Venezuela Observatory: An observation about our own struggle

The Venezuela Observatory is trying to raise awareness for the struggle the people in Venezuela are facing and turn the rewards of the articles into funds to aid projects in Venezuela.

However we in the west only get very diluted news filled with biasses. If there is any news about Venezuela at all.

Yesterday one of the main online news outlets in my country only had one article. And that merely mentioned that the EU is not convinced that the election process in Venezuela was done correct.

Nothing about food, healthcare, transport, children, basic utillities as water and energy, etc etc, etc,

My main news sources are @primeraplana and @informationwar here on steemit.

So to them a big thank you for providing better news then our mainstream media.

Very short, no image, just don't have the time for that right now.


We are here to help!

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)