a little bit gay but still a very nice happening on the platform! nice to see he spend the food the best way possible and shared it with the other poor souls over there in venezuela... man we can hardly emagine what inflation of those levels do with the daily life... Wikileaks also published some info about that a while ago it seems one of the main provocaters is... well you probably have an idea already... the us government or on or another department that is aiming disruption trough cuba... A while ago a girl posted a very desperate post about the situation there in venezuela, back then had too less steem to share.. I'm wondering how she is doing.. keep on steeming people, when you get rewarded it seems the nicest in out of people and with each others will happen... this probably was never possible on a site like facebook I guess.. even not on 4chan or so.. big up! steemforlife
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I'm hetero and quite secure in my manhood, but I will ignore the use of an adjective I find objectionable, a bit rude and unkind to people who live a different lifestyle anyway, just to say thanks for what otherwise sounded complimentary. :) Thank you! We plan to do some great things!
haha I'm just joking a little mate ;) good post, gave you the credits for it... like helping other people out too right ;) first alinea's are like a novel a little when you read it the first time ;) but keep up the good work (Y)
Okay. Got it. Cheers.