'This is clearly not a coup. We recognize Guaido as the legitimate president of Venezuela' - Bolton

in #venezuela5 years ago

US national security advisor John Bolton has called for “change of the regime” in Caracas, and accused Cuba of controlling the current government of Venezuela, while backing an opposition politician’s attempt at armed coup.
Bolton called on senior officials in the government of President Nicolas Maduro to switch their support to the US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido, “if the Cubans will let them do it.”

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It's funny how America seems to care about the people in countries that happen to have oil so much more than people in any other country.

It doesn't really matter who is legitimate or not, as the US really has no right to use military force...or economic, to determine the ruling party of another country.

If this was about helping the people, this is probably not the way one would do it.

I wish this was about helping the people...because they do need help.

As if nobody watched the exact tactics followed by the Yankees in Syria and repeated now by the word against Venezuela...

Hopefully the Venezuelans learned from the Syrian version of US-led Regime Change.
Bolton thinks he understands the Orwellian statements he's making but misses that he himself is the main failure of the US adventure in Venezuela, if anybody else was leading the regime change there would have had much better chances than this schmuck :)

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shut up bolton! you're the only one who believe's in your lies, everybody knows you want regime change in venezuela since the late chavez became the president.

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