Venezuela: Presidential Elections in May 2018 (conducted in the Venezuelan manner)

in #venezuela6 years ago

For some reason, Venezuela is a country whose general population's behavior tends to be unethical, selfish and corrupt. Bear with me.

Most Venezuelans are familiar or have participated in cheating both in exams, sports, relationships, legal paperwork, etc.

In Venezuela, it is common to find someone will write your thesis (dissertation) for a fee. Want a driver's license without all the tests? Also possible, for a fee. Most Venezuelans run red traffic lights and they will give you a plenary on why it's OK to so.

Even the most valuable beings, women, have somehow become confused and uncertain of their beauty and spend lots of money getting breast implants, etc. So they have been tricked to believe that beauty is ran in Hollywood or something and they cheat to look like it. A remarkably surprising amount of Venezuelan women spend time and money straightening or dying their hair, etc. The Miss Venezuela organization, not only is known for choosing mostly-European women born and raised in Venezuela, but it is also known for financing numerous surgical procedures on their candidates, faking beauty, as if that were at all possible. What they're doing is faking whiteness or something... Anyway...

It is a widespread curse that some Venezuelan people can see. I see it. However, most Venezuelans do not appear to see it. Well, they deny it. Want to test my theory? Show this writing to any Venezuelan. The result will likely be that the Venezuelan will deny this and will insult its author as the reasoning.

Bullying is also common in Venezuela. The term bullying has never been formally discussed or addressed. Swindling and stealing is the way many Venezuelans make a living from many decades ago.

When Chavez was elected president of Venezuela at the end of 1998, it was because he had been a great cheater and bully (because he, as a military official, had conducted a remarkable coup attempt). Chavez took credit of the coup attempt and went to jail in order to capitalize his popularity as a bully.

Chavez ruled by bullying his opposition. Don't get me wrong. The opposition bullied Chavez before he was elected and publicly made fun of his ethnicity. In Venezuela, racism is rarely seen as such.

Venezuela was a pool of corruption when Chavez came to power. Chavez indeed brought inclusion to this mess. That is why today Venezuela's corruption and crime is bigger than ever --because more Venezuelans have access to being corrupt and/or criminal, whatever is closer to their reach.

Before today's terrible crisis in Venezuela, the causes of it took place. Most Venezuelans, beginning with those in the government of course, began to destroy the country's economy for personal profit until today's crisis arrived. The government and the opposition, like almost everywhere in the world, only pretend to be against each other while, in reality, both groups are doing the same thing, profiteering from the country's economy one way or another. In Venezuela, the point is to buy US dollars from the government in order to sell them to anybody who isn't allowed by the government to buy them at a TRULY astronomical profit.

When Chavez was elected as President, there were something like a hundred Generals in its Armed Forces. The DEA controlled drug trafficking then. Chavez removed the DEA from Venezuela and made the military grow. Nowadays, there are about five thousand Generals coordinating drug trafficking in Venezuela. Do you really think these 5,000 generals holding Russian weapons will allow a democracy to take place? They'd rather fake one using a bus driver to act as the President.

The former bus driver acting as President in Venezuela, is obviously not a genuine acting president. Maduro is an illusion of a worker President that Chavez gave to the Venezuelan people. The real power is held by this heavily entrenched Military mafia that will NOT let go.

The political opposition in Venezuela is so mediocre that it only helps this military dictatorship continue its path. The goal is to make all Venezuelan people subjugate to the power of a bureaucratic cheating machine ran by bullies.

The option of voting for the opposition, which is a cheating machinery ran by bullies as well, is not too promising since all they do is promise to dismantle the current system and sell out to the global banking cartel, which at this point will not solve the economic problems for most people.

Educated and ignorant Venezuelans, whether they are right or wrong, are cornered and don't have a choice other than watch. The military dictatorship will continue, for at least 30 more years, to use Simon Bolivar's and Chavez's discourse to solidify its hegemony while its society starves.

The upcoming elections? Well, it doesn't matter who really wins or who really votes. People who are too poor to afford food are already subjugated by the dictatorship and will likely vote for it. People who will not vote for the government are likely not to vote at all since the opposition couldn't be any more of a travesty. There is a large portion of the voting population supporting the opposition in spite of its questionable integrity, given the way they have publicly betrayed and discredited each other in their quest for power.

Venezuela, as of today is a big joke. The government claiming to be revolutionary, pro-worker, leftist, populist, etc. (by looping videos of Chavez on TV discussing wonderful theoretical ways of conducting politics) but does nothing but behave like a paranoid right-wing dictatorship. In order to prevent social upheaval, the military dictatorship with Maduro pretending to be the President delivers boxes with cheap imported groceries to the population. Poor people and middle class cannot afford to reject the humiliating package. The political opposition is a discriminatory right-wing pretending to side with the poor, trying to hide they live in the most obnoxious gated communities and that they take charter flights abroad to escape the crisis on a given weekend.

A decreasing amount of Venezuelan people are able to choose what to eat or dress. The black market of US dollars the government helps grow while accusing it of being the culprit has brought inflation to unimaginable levels. The salary of one worker can only buy one product from a supermarket shelf.

Corruption grows in the governmental and government-friendly business buildings and offices, making the dictatorship's network of influence infallible. Crime grows in the streets as the mass of people lacking governmental connections starve in a place where it is already mainstream to cheat and bully. Robbing? Stealing? Most Venezuelan people who are not ashamed to be seen doing it will do it. Those ashamed to be seen robbing or stealing may engage in crimes like kidnappings, swindles, etc.

The dictatorial government will cheat as much as possible to make up for what the opposition is going to be cheating. It all equals zero.
