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in #venezuela6 years ago

Dear @victoriabsb

Thank you for sharing your story with us. It is really saddening to see what your country is going throught. Heartbreaking.

You speak such a good english. How come? Are you using some quality translator or do you indeed operate english so well?

My baby's daddy and love of my life just received his paycheck for the the half of the month, he was payed 12$

That's more than minimum salary in Venezuela, right? and yet it's surely not enough to survive. Would you mind sharing with me what does he do for living? Just curious.

ps. did all those ingridients cost 12usd? Oh ....

God bless Venezuela. Seriously I cant imagine how difficult it must be to live there now.



Hi! even tho, i do sometimes use a translator to help with some words (google), whose meaning escape my knowledge , i learned english in high school so, i work very well with english and also autocorrect helps a lot! lol

That's more than minimum salary in Venezuela, right?

Yes, 12$ way more than minimum wage here, our monthly minimum wage is of just shy of 6US$ at the current price of the US$, my boyfriend works in PDVSA as a coordinator of logistics for operational oil rings, he has a degree that is similar to a bachelor degree in the US, is call Senior Technician in Oil Rings from an University, just 2 years from an engineering degree, his monthly salary is 24US$ approximately, so we are lucky enough not to have to survive with just 6US$ a month but, as you can imagine 24US$ a month are not enough for a family of 4 (my BF, my Bf's mom, my baby and myself), i'm a lawyer, but currently my work is to stay at home and taking care of our 5 months old, so we just have to work around the difficulties and try to find money in other places like Steem or selling our old stuff .

Like i said we are lucky we are professionals and have knowledge enough to make a living in the difficult economical situation that our country is in, but is important for people outside our country to know, that if the 2 of us with our college degrees and with at least my BF good work, are having trouble to make a living, imagine those who don't have the same luck as us, i know of people that have more kids and only the 6US$ a month income i sincerely have not idea how they do to live like that.

ps. did all those ingredients cost 12usd?

yes! we were lucky to go to kind of a farmers market and find some good pricing on the vegetables, also the chicken was cheap just 2US$ the kilogram (it weighted 2KG) usually the chicken is 3 to 4 US$ the kilogram.

Dear @victoriabsb

Thank you for your amazing reply. I appreciate it greately. Hope your family didn't suffer much during your latest (two times?) blackouts.

as you can imagine 24US$ a month are not enough for a family of 4

I'm really trying to figure out how people do actually manage to survive in those conditions.

Truly saddening.
Yours, Piotr

my dear @crypto.piort

Thank you for your amazing reply. I appreciate it greately. Hope your family didn't suffer much during your latest (two times?) blackouts.

lol 2 times would have being fine, but today marks the 3rd time this week alone that we lose power, it just keeps coming and going, and im lucky enough to have the power coming at some points like right now, cause my sister lives in another state and she hasnt had any since monday.