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in #venezuela6 years ago


gracias por pensar en mi pais y su gente, gente buena que tiene un carisma y sonrisa, siempre reconocida por su alegria que hoy se empaña debido a una tiranía que ha logrado pisar al pueblo, muchos no entienden lo que pasa en mi pais, pues explico breve mente, un ser diabólico llamado chavez se gano el cariño del pueblo en 1998 y trajo consigo falsas promesas, el pueblo le fue otorgando poder en todos los ámbitos, durante un tiempo este señor hizo una red, en cada ciudad, en cada organo publico creo gabinetes de personas que son ahora mafias distribuidas por todo el pais, en cada alcadia, en cada gobernacion, en cada sede del ejercito hay mafias que se benefician y roban al pais mientras somenten al pueblo, cada policia estadal, cada organo publico esta lleno de estas mafias, si usted es periodista y señala estas mafias, usted va preso, si usted es politico y no se alinea con ellos, usted va preso, si usted denuncia algo , usted va preso, hay gente presa solo por crear algun tweet que no sea del agrado del régimen, la gente ha salido a manifestar en muchas ocasiones, solo el año pasado ocurrio mas de 130 muertos en manifestaciones en menos de 30 dias, muchos videos en la web demuestran grupos armados acompañados por militares asesinando a estudiantes que solo llevan en sus manos escudos de carton, estas mafias no dejaran el poder, venezuela genera mucha riqueza en varios ámbitos, millones de dolares sacan del petroleo, toneladas de oro sacan mensualmente del suelo venezolano, con ese dinero crean las mafias y compran ayuda internacional como la cubana o la rusa, es algo increíble, se han registrado desfalco a la nacion donde un solo grupo de personas han robado mas de 4mil millones de dolares a la industria petrolera, eso en un solo robo!! es mucho dinero que se roban del pais y eso mantiene esa mafia, por eso que cada vez que el pueblo se manifiesta asesinan y torturan para doblegar al ciudadano que no posee defensa alguna, la situación es grave, muy grave, hablamos de que si una persona sufre una apendicitis esa persona esta condenada a morir, hay medicos en los hospitales queriendo ayudar, pero no hay insumos, estoy hablando que falta algo tan simple como una inyectadora o jeringa, imagínese como se opera a alguien sin nada de insumos, por otro lado el sueldo minimo de un trabajador no alcanza para nada, un mes de trabajo equivale a un quilo de queso duro, con el sueldo de un mes entero no compra una hamburguesa en macdonal, y creame que no exagero en cada palabra que escribo..

hay miles de historias tristes que se viven a diario en mi pais y aun asi el venezolano sale todos los dias a luchar por mantener viva a venezuela con su trabajo, con sus ilusiones, con ganas de salir a delante, el señor de la esquina abre el kiosco, el estudiante va a la escuela, el mecánico a su taller, y muchos se preguntan, como es posible? solo el que conoce o ha visitado venezuela sabe la respuesta, es la misma razón por la cual desde esta tierra salio una caravana libertaria que ayudo a otorgar la libertad a otros hermanos del continente hace 200 años, es la perseverancia del venezolano, es la forma en que sueña, es la forma en que lucha, estamos luchando, somos 30 millones de personas que aun permanecemos aqui en Venezuela tratando de liberarnos, no es fácil, se me puede ir la vida en esto pero no tengo otra forma de verlo y sentirlo, no puedo tomar otro camino y dejar a mi país detrás, y créeme que asi como me siento escribiendo esta linea seguro se siente cada venezolano que aguanta este atropello diario al que es sometido, no es fácil quedarse en un pais donde puedes morir por algo tan comun como una neumonia, pero venezuela vale, sus playa vale, su aire vale, su sabana, su selva, su desierto, su montaña, sus picos, su GENTE VALE, y seguro vale mas que mi vida que me juego para ayudar a rescatarla de manos asesinas que se quieren apoderar de ella..

gracias por ver hacia acá, gracias por querer ayudar, ahora necesitamos que cada persona afuera sea la voz del venezolano, que grite que el venezolano lucha y necesita ayuda, es una mafia armada que quiere matar a un país, es así de simple y cierto, es un país secuestrado..



thank you for thinking of my country and its people, good people who have a charisma and smile, always recognized by their joy that today is tarnished due to a tyranny that has managed to step on the people, many do not understand what happens in my country, because I explain briefly, a diabolical being called Chavez won the love of the people in 1998 and brought false promises, the people gave him power in all areas, for a time this gentleman made a network, in each city, in each organ public I create cabinets of people who are now mafias distributed throughout the country, in each alcadia, in each governorate, in each headquarters of the army there are mafias that benefit and rob the country while they watch the people, each police station, each public body is full of these mafias, if you are a journalist and you point these mafias, you are imprisoned, if you are a politician and do not align yourself with them, you are imprisoned, if you denounce something, you are imprisoned, there are people imprisoned just for creating some eet that is not to the liking of the regime, people have come out to demonstrate on many occasions, only last year there were more than 130 dead in demonstrations in less than 30 days, many videos on the web show armed groups accompanied by soldiers murdering students they only carry cardboard shields, these mafias do not leave power, venezuela generates a lot of wealth in several areas, millions of dollars are extracted from oil, tons of gold are extracted monthly from Venezuelan soil, with this money they create mafias and buy aid international as the Cuban or the Russian, it is something incredible, they have registered embezzlement to the nation where a single group of people have stolen more than 4 billion dollars to the oil industry, that in a single robbery !! it is a lot of money that is stolen from the country and that maintains that mafia, that is why every time the people declare they kill and torture to subdue the citizen who does not have any defense, the situation is serious, very serious, we talk about if a person suffers an appendicitis that person is condemned to die, there are doctors in hospitals wanting to help, but there are no supplies, I'm talking about missing something as simple as an injection or syringe, imagine how to operate someone without any input, on the other side the minimum salary of a worker does not reach for anything, a month of work is equivalent to a kilo of hard cheese, with the salary of a whole month does not buy a burger in macdonal, and believe me that I do not exaggerate in every word I write ..

There are thousands of sad stories that are lived daily in my country and yet the Venezuelan goes out every day to fight to keep Venezuela alive with his work, with his illusions, wanting to get ahead, the gentleman of the corner opens the kiosk, the student goes to school, the mechanic to his workshop, and many wonder, how is that possible? only the one who knows or has visited venezuela knows the answer, is the same reason why from this land came a libertarian caravan that helped to grant freedom to other brothers of the continent 200 years ago, it is the perseverance of the Venezuelan, it is the way in what dreams, is the way we fight, we are fighting, we are 30 million people that still remain here in Venezuela trying to free us, it is not easy, I can go to live in this but I have no other way of seeing and feeling it , I can not take another path and leave my country behind, and believe me that as I feel writing this line, every Venezuelan feels that he can endure this daily abuse to which he is subjected, it is not easy to stay in a country where you can die for something as common as a pneumonia, but venezuela is worth it, its beach is worth it, its air is worth it, its savanna, its jungle, its desert, its mountain, its peaks, its PEOPLE WORTH, and it is worth more than my life that I play to help rescue her from her hands murderers who want to take over her ..

thank you for looking here, thanks for wanting to help, now we need that every person outside be the voice of the Venezuelan, who shouts that the Venezuelan fights and needs help, is an armed mafia that wants to kill a country, it is that simple and true , it's a kidnapped country ..


Hello @aerossone thanks a lot for your comment ...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

Dear @aerossone

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.
