Well. We did have 4 large volcanoes blow this year. And in the 1800s we had a mini ice age over Krakatoa erupting. Which that was one of the 4 this year.
So yeah the climate scam is that. Scam.
Well. We did have 4 large volcanoes blow this year. And in the 1800s we had a mini ice age over Krakatoa erupting. Which that was one of the 4 this year.
So yeah the climate scam is that. Scam.
Totally. But somehow they have convinced people that by paying more taxes problem will be solved. Remember around 20 years ago we had a hole in the ozone layer lol guess we manged to patch that up with some sticky back tape🙈
Ozone layer is back to being stronger than first found. It wasn't hair spray or other propellents. It was a financial assault.
Funny thing is oil is natural. Everything from this planet is. So is cinnabar and Mercury...