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RE: Vegan Dishonesty

in #vegan6 years ago

Nice post and I agree too many vegans flaw their own argument. I would describer myself as a partial vegan I try and avoid dairy most of the time but admit sometimes I will eat it. And the main reason is all the chemical they put in everything these days. Yes I do eat organic and yes if reared my own animal I would consider using them for food.

In terms of health I feel better for not eating meat and considerably less diary; so yes its better for me. I am fitter have more energy, but get for some this diet does not work. It's all down to personal choice and situation. 💯🐒


Thank you for commenting on the dietary needs.

I only drink distilled water as all other sources are polluted with fluoride. I eat eggs from my free range chickens. I eat organic whole milk yogurt from grass fed cows, and whole milk from cows that are not treated with hormones. I eat only organic non-gmo bread and even then I don't like the fact that fluoride polluted water is used in processing. I therefore try to spend the time to bake my own bread. I never eat from restaurants. Also pineapple and yogurt are high in iodine which is important to get because if a body is lacking in iodine the aluminum and other heavy metal aerosols will be taken into the body in place of iodine.

The gov't food industry has a genocide agenda. The obligation of every individual to open their own eyes is a cornerstone of self-reliance. Nobody is entitled to be converted and anyone who thought they were gonna just sign up for an entitlement check and run out the clock is sadly mistaken.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Rsaupers Jr USA

I totally agree I too filter my water as much as I can. Thankfully where I am they don't put Fluoride in the water directly which is a bonus. And yes making your own bread is the key, with organic ingredients.

Unfortunately I do occasionally eat in restaurants and I do question this each time it happens. It is so hard to break the societal norms of todays society. Slowly but surly I am and hope your a re too. Keep up the great work 💯🐒

I would still drink only distilled water because here all water sources likely have trace elements of pharmaceuticals specifically endocrine disruptors and no filter exists able to remove them. Fish in the Chesapeake Bay have been observed growing both male and female genitalia per the endocrine disruptors and undoubtedly the human population is affected. I live near the Susquehanna River which makes its way to the Chesapeake Bay. I also own multiple properties and my farm has a private well, but the amount of heavy metals raining down the air column from climate engineering is likely polluting all water sources. The devestation of trees especially my apple trees is a disturbing consequence. Oct 1, 2018 I observed new apple blossoms on one of my trees. In the 12 years I've owned this farm I've never seen apple blossoms in October but there are no natural hydrological processes anymore just engineered events and they are mostly ice nucleated cooldowns and deluge flooding over long periods of steady rain. Winter has been characterized by arctic freezes to include the spring interval where the SRM chemicals sprayed damage the leaves and fruit if they eventually arrive at all. Perhaps the tree with October blossoms has been triggered erroneously by the weather whiplash events that never stop.

I also make sure to eat a steady diet of resistant starch such as partially green organic bananas. Resistant starch is also produced by cooking potatoes or rice and then chilling them for at least 12 hours in refrigerator before consumption. Resistant starch is a soluble fiber that does not get digested in the stomach but instead passes through to the large intestine where it feeds the gut biome. There is a great deal of science involved in food and health which the gov't GMO farms and Rockefeller medicine psychopaths seek to eradicate.

I always look for Non-GMO organic Non-enriched products. I do not eat processed foods except for the Arnold brand non gmo organic bread that also does not have any enrichment. I also avoid anything with carrageenan as it causes small intestine inflammation and can lead to cancer in some cases.

Lastly I am shifting away from growing food outdoors per the climate engineering nano-tech spraying which gets absorbed into the plants and vegetables. I need to bring in some shipping containers and outfit them for hydro-ponics, hopefully next summer if I stay in NY. I have ranch land in the high country Arizona that calls me.

Thanks for the conversation, have a nice day.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Great advise I have a grand plan I have spoken about in a previous post. Part of this involves growing completely organic possible with a wallapni in order to protect from the rain. Scary it's come to that hey. But hopefully we are in time to revert it back for our children's children 💯🐒