Support and Buy-At Vegan Businesses Before Anywhere Else

in #vegan7 years ago

The power of the purse speaks loud. Money talks. The market responds and success or failure responds to where money flows. We can essentially 'vote' with our money, and create change by directing our currency towards certain products or services.

As moral vegans, we care about what is being done to animals, as well as potentially the consequences to our world that we and everyone else share. When we go out and buy products or services, we are supporting a business and making it survive and thrive through the money we give it. What businesses are we supporting as vegans?


If we give money to a regular non-vegan business, then we are feeding and supporting the success of that business.

If we give money to a vegan business, then we are feeding and supporting the success of that business.

When we go out to eat, we should be eating at vegan-only restaurants, because we want to support that business and make it succeed.

If we don't go eat at vegan-only restaurants, and instead choose to eat at non-vegan restaurants, or restaurants that include a few vegan meals, we are supporting a non-vegan business.

This applies to all businesses, not just restaurants. If we want to apply pressure and peaceful non-aggressive force, we can do so by engaging in voluntary exchange with vegan-only businesses. They need our support to succeed.

If we don't support them as much as we can, while using non-vegan businesses, this means that the money we could be using to support and feed the success of a vegan business is instead going to support and feed a non-vegan business and keep that business going, while vegan-only businesses will struggle due us not spending money in their business.

Sometimes it can't be avoided, and we may not have a vegan-only business to get what we need in life, but we should be mindful and always try to use the power of our purse/wallet to let our money talk and give life to begin businesses as much as we can.


Support only vegan places if you can, they need the support and money. Stop giving money to those who don't care about animals and are only trying to make a buck by providing vegan-options. Shop vegan-only to help put pressure and change things for the better, quicker :)


"Every dollar you spend or don't spend is a vote you cast for the world you want."

*This post was inspired by a comment from @celestialcow.


I could not agree with you more. That rule also applies for other things such as buying cars, electricity and so on. You should Always be aware of the choice you make and the vote it casts.