Wheatgrass gives you superpowers!

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Yes, those trays of grass you see growing in health food stores and juice bars really do contain magic...if by magic you mean copious amounts of chlorophyll which are kind of the same thing.

Before you go all Billy Madison (throwback to the high school biology class scene where he’s all like, “chlorophyll! More like BOREaphyll...right?”), there really is something special in these lustrous blades of grass once they’ve been juiced.


For one, they contain one of the highest amounts of cholophyll of any food source on the planet, up to a whopping 75%. What does this mean for the human body? Well, considering that hemoglobin and cholorophyll are almost structurally identical it’s been argued quite successfully that your body can use chlorophyll to build fresh, new blood in the body.


That’s some straight up Keith Richards shit right there! This green potion has tons of other health benefits too. A good book to check out is my favorite one on the subject, Wheatgrass: Nature’s Finest Medicine, by a fine fella named Steve Meyerowitz aka the Sproutman.


Sprouts are basically like plant stem cells so eat em up whenever you get a chance, buy em at your local health food store or if you’re wild and innovative you can even turn your garage into something like this:



The second photo is a sea of sunflower sprouts, great in sandwiches and convincing mere mortals that they’ll never die. Either way you serve em’ up, they’re delicious.

One more tip: the flavor of wheatgrass juice is STRONG. Aside from advising one to use a masticating juicer instead of a centrifugal one to juice grass (think; masticating is the slow, corkscrew style juicer while centrifugal is the fast spinning blade, old school Juiceman Juicer style. Yes, the old man with the white eyebrows who pulled all those boats across the river), I’d strongly caution anyone drinking fresh wheatgrass juice that it can cause nausea especially with inexperienced drinkers of the Hulk’s splooge. That’s why my tip to everyone out there is to add a peeled GRAPEFRUIT to the juicer to cut the taste dramatically. The combination not only neutralizes the nasty taste, it actually gives the juice a delicious flavor which means you can drink more of it and not end up like this little guy right here.


So there you have it, check out the book and get a juicer (don’t forget the grapefruit!). You’ll feel like Mario taking his mushrooms in no time.

Thanks for reading and as always, Hold The Meo!