Vegan Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Cup Power Smoothie!

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Here’s what I fueled up with today after lifting at the gym. It’s like having dessert in a glass and it’s super nourishing and filling, should keep you full for hours on end!


First off, try getting your hands on a good blender. I’ve got here my trusty Vitamix, which as you can see has been used up pretty good. It’s one of the best blenders out there in my opinion, has a 2 horsepower motor so you can blend up cashews into creamy sauces and even mow the lawn when you’re done. On to the ingredients you’ll need!


Here I’ve got the two major components of the smoothie that help with muscle recovery after a good workout. You can use any plant based protein, I’ve got a good blend here from Natural Factors, just make sure it’s vegan and chocolate. In this smoothie I’m using two scoops of protein powder. I’ve also got creatine getting tossed into the mix, 1-2 teaspoons should be sufficient. This helps the protein get delivered to your muscles.


Next up, you’ll want a plant based milk alternative to blend it all up and make it creamy. In this case, I’m using Ripple which has become one of my favorite milk alternatives out there. Made from peas and chock full of protein, it’s absolutely delicious. Ripple ain’t just a crappy, bank endorsed cryptocurrency anymore (more on that in future crypto related posts).


Here we’ve got some ground flax, chia seeds and peanut butter. 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter should do the trick, and I pretty much eyeball the rest for the flax and chia. Aside from giving you a good amount of fiber and bulking up your smoothie, these guys also have omega 3s which are good for fueling your brain and reducing inflammation. Don’t skimp on the superfoods!


Speaking of superfoods, we’ve got some shelled organic hemp seeds right here. These are THC-free (sorry stoners) but naturally contain lots of protein as well as omegas 3-6-9.


Frozen bananas and an apple for added sweetness and micronutrients like potassium and vitamin C, nothing to see here folks.


Chuck all ingredients in the blender and next comes the fun part...


Blend it all up! It’s like a messy carousel for your food.


Finished product should look like delicious brown mud. Drink up and enjoy! I poured mine in a mason jar because I’m a shameless hipster! If you liked this post upvote and follow me for vegan recipes and cryptocurrency news and as always, Hold The Meo!