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RE: Demonstration Over Legislation

in #vegan6 years ago

I'm of the mindset that 1, you'll never gain someone's approval by making a new rule to govern over them, and 2, the proposed idea would only serve to further the trend of everyone hating supermarkets and turning to "farm to table" markets. I'm thinking that by 2030, the supermarket we know now will likely no longer exist anyways, so it's a moot point.

Frankly, as a meateater, I have to say that the attitude present among a lot of militant vegans does as much to keep me from wanting to join the ranks as any proposed benefits might offer in return. It's really hard to get people to "join your team" if a seemingly significant portion of that team is largely adversarial and insulting to me as a human being. If I want you to join my book club, but my approach method is to call you a brainless veggie-veggie munching're not going to want to join my book club and if asked later what you think about my club, any thought you'd have will be slanted toward the negative because of my behavior and my insult to you. The same goes when somebody is up in my face with the typical "Meat is murder, you barbarian" crap.

Hardsell the advantages and benefits, and rein in the militants. Develop easy and delicious dishes that actually taste good, publicize them readily, and you'll have a rock solid plan moving forward. New rules and edicts in the form of a monarch reigning over subjects? That's not going to generate much good will.

My meat-eater brethren will likely hate me for this...but mushroom steaks are not exactly as bad as you'd expect. Seriously. But, when the first thing somebody is touting in the vegan realm is brussel sprouts and some non-dairy cheese sauce?'ll be over here enjoying my clogged arteries and shortened lifespan with this delicious roast beef sandwich, thanks.