Gluten Free|Vegan Grocery Haul + Chest Day

in #vegan7 years ago

I've decided to try going gf for a bit to see if it helps with my psoriasis! I hope this works!

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Another surfer, yeah! Cool blog, had to give you my 100% :-)

Thank you! I have not found another surfer on here besides you! I have a noob question. What and how do I change my steam power to use 100%? I dont quite get it.... haha

Once you have reached the 500 SP mark, you can choose whether you want to allocate 100% of your VP on a post or less. Right now all your votes will be 100% votes :)

There are a lot more surfers out here btw. You'll find them!

gotcha, Thank you!

Great workout and food haul!

That's a lot of good food! 🔥

Going gluten-free is really not too bad, I did it or a few months to determine if I had a gluten intolerance. My overall health improved so much, but I found out when reintroducing gluten that I did not have an intolerance.

I still keep it to a minimum and sometimes even prefer the gluten-free foods.

Hopefully it works out for me! Happy I can still have chipotle hahah

Excelente trabajo amigo!!! @theswolesurfer, me encanto el estilo de la canción ejejejej. Saludos ; )

Gracias josue!