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RE: Why do humans want to eat everything???

in #vegan7 years ago

That's not true. I recommend reading the book Sapiens or picking up any literature on anthropology.

You'll see how brutal our ancestors and sub-sapien neighbors were since the beginning of humanity. Farming didn't actually come in until very recently, and before that time, scavenging and hunting were the only means of survival.


It's 2017, can't compare humans of today from thousands of years ago or even hundreds of years ago... humans evolve. In present time, ask a person to slaughter an animal, 90% won't do it in our current time 😀

I don't think you can say 90% because that's based on your opinion not scientific fact.

If you're considering 2017, there's multitudes of variables that are involved in that consideration, but you only focus on one. You don't address the reasons why that may be, which could very well be connected with conditioning via other individuals or society. So the root cause of your argument isn't because a human wouldn't naturally do it. It may be because we were never taught to. Or we are now so conditioned to "2017" that we can't individually function as organisms of survival anymore, at least not when it comes to mother nature.

Also, you're only arguing with a selective sample size. The "modern" world. But there are still many small hunter-gatherer tribes in existence today, their communities hunt and eat meat. And in those populations, your argument isn't true.