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RE: Vegan Dishonesty

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

I'm vegan but I do not go on about it and never comment on others eating dead animals.

Meat coming from the average place worldwide is full of toxins, the factory farm is just insane, the animals are kept alive by consuming endless antibiotics and other nasty toxins.

We are what we eat, eat shit, feel shit. This is why we have so many sick people, they are eating so-called meat but what's in the meat you are eating? Toxins.

The animals are born into a horror show and until they are killed live in total torture. Of course, this affects the meat quality.

How do you think McDonald's can sell chicken and burgers so cheap? They raise a chicken in half the natural time by force feeding them until their stomachs are bursting. You think this is going to be healthy for your body?.

The ONLY meat people should eat for their own health is organic meat. This way the animals have a natural life and are healthy when killed and eaten by humans. I'm told the difference in taste is unreal.

Meat may not be murder but it is torture on the average factory farm and most farms are now factory farms.