in #vegan7 years ago

Well I'm a lucky man; yes I am. Presently scribbling the astounding tale of fighting terminal cancer in my future best seller THE DEATH AND LIFE OF PSYCHO SYD. Screenplay too! Been a superstar DJ. I can even natter away in Thai, Lao Mandarin and broad Mancunian if you say pretty please. My itchy feet and daydream believer mind have taken me to many fabulous locations around the globe. Future adventures are being planned right here right now. But don't let my sparkling as free as a bird lifestyle blind you to the fact that I have been a suit too. Legal Executive in criminal law, Managing Director of a student recruitment group in China, General Manager of a transport company , worked in film and TV in China, Training Manager for a sugar company in Thailand. However after having faced death I now follow my heart and focus on the magic of life while I can because the grim reaper gets us all in the end. There is no escape so I try to live in the NOW. Your life situation exists in time, your life is now.20161027_134727-1.jpg