Only fasted 83 hours - don’t make this mistake

in #vegan7 years ago

I started my fast during my 7 day stretch of work. See previous post if this makes no sense.
Bad idea.
It wasn’t hunger that did me in - I wasn’t physically hungry most of the time. It was the insomnia and heart palpitations.


Apparently insomnia is pretty normal during the first few days of the fast. Problem was I would be unable to sleep at night due to heart palpitations and excess energy, but I was constantly falling asleep while at work and while driving home - dangerous.

So, I decided to call it quits, and try again in a little while, with a gradual rather than abrupt transition into the full fast and making daing sure my fast doesn’t begin during my work days.

The body needs time to detox, and sleeping at odd times and heart palpitations are things I would very much like to not experience while making medication dosage calculations for sick neonates and children.

This has by no means put me off fasting permanently; I’ll still continue my daily intermittent and weekly extended fast schedules.

Next time I try to do a very extended fast (21 days), I’ll prep better and I know I’ll have a better experience.

Till then, I’ll keep looking for life lessons in each failure and success.
