💖 The Best + Easiest Chocolate🍫PANCAKES Recipe I've Made Yet! (Vegan/Gluten Free) 💖

in #vegan7 years ago

I have solved the "pancake problem! You're going to want to try these out!

I feel like pancakes are a staple of North American breakfasts but I grew up always avoiding them at get-togethers and buffets! I didn't know why but the fluffiness and the sweetness and the heaviness always made me tired and groggy after eating them! After experimenting with ingredients, I've found that it was because of all of the flour, dairy and sugar within that wasn't agreeing with my body so I set out to make some healthy, good for you, energizing pancakes!


Some people have no problem at all with the traditional pancake! But if you do, you might have noticed the pancake problem. It's hard to find a good vegan AND gluten free pancake option. Cue me in to fix that! :)

I wanted to get crazy creative to impress my chef poppa who is visiting so I thought about my pumpkin pancakes I made before and pulled from them. I didn't have any pumpkin but I did have zucchini and I had made zucchini bread and muffins before so I thought, why not give it a whirl!

Here's how it turned out! :)

What you need:

pancakes 1 (2).jpg

  • 1 zucchini (pulsed into small bits)
  • 3/4 cup oats (pulsed into powder)
  • 2 large banana (or 4 small)
  • 1/2 cup raw cacao
  • 3 chia eggs
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1-2 tbs coconut milk (optional)
  • Coconut oil

What to do:

  • Pulse zucchini, oat powder, sliced banana, cacao, chia eggs and maple syrup together in a blender or food processor until it gets wet and mushy.

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  • (Optional:) you can add in some coconut milk to your mix if it's not already too wet!

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  • Put some coconut oil in a fry pan, allow it to heat up.
  • Drop a spoonful into the oil and form into whatever shapes you want!
  • 3-5 mins on each side should be good- they fry up quick but it depends on your stove/heat level!
  • Pro tip: These pancakes are dark so you may not notice if they are burning on the bottom so keep an eye on them and keep turning them if you want the best crisp!

At this point in my creation process my poppa bear stumbled out of his bedroom and told me he was going into town to get some breakie until he saw what was poppin' on my stovetop and sat down at the table, anxiously waiting! 😉

I was VERY surprised at how quickly these cooked! Many gf pancakes I have whipped up in the past take longer than traditional and so I am thrilled to also let you know how fast these can be made!

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OK YUM! You can't even taste the zucchini, I promise! It just blends in for the liquid we need to hold it together! I'm also going to let you know that these things are filling! I tried to eat 2 but I got so full after the first one... I did eat the second just to see if I would get 'lazy' but I didn't = success! 😉

The verdict from poppa!
He didn't know that there was zucchini involved because you can't taste it at all! He got his nosed scrunched up a bit after finding out because he doesn't like squash but, he said that he loved them, thought they were a great option for people with dietary needs anddddd VEGAN FOOD IS GREAT!

Woooooo! 💖 💖 💖 💖

I hope you guys like this one! It definitely tops my gluten-free, vegan pancake recipes so far! Enjoy!
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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!

Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! 💖

Until next time!

Sending you love through food,

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@heart-to-heart looks amazing! I am going to give it a try. Thanks. 😋

Hey- you are so welcome and please let me know if you end up making them! I'd love to hear how you liked them. I was really surprised haha 💖

I will indeed. I am going to try them over the weekend. 😋

Let me know how it goes :)

Wow!!! 😍
Who is the lucky one???

Hahaha well, I would have to say it was my poppa bear who got himself some delicious breaky ;)

Well he might be really proud then!!! 😉

Ooh yum! I have always been a pancake fan, but definitely love a healthier version nowadays. This will be one I have to remember if we get a massive amount of zucchini from our garden this year (fingers crossed). 😀

It's so strange to think isn't it? But I really like this version, much different experience than the bloating of the traditional kind! You can make all kinds of things with zucchini, breads and muffins and cookies- I'm excited for summer to come to you so you can share it all with us 💖

A few summers ago we had so much zucchini they kept getting big before we could pick them. I shared one with a friend and she made bread, zucchini boats, something else I can't recall, and she still had extra left from that one massive veggie!

Wow that is crazy! Don't forget to take pictures of them this year! We have to figure out how to send them overseas for me ;)

Be careful what you wish for--if we get a good crop I'll be posting pictures everywhere!! I need to remember the name of the book, but I believe it was Barbara Kingsolver who wrote about zucchini overabundance in her small town. Everyone would have so much they would sneak baskets onto other people's porches to try to get rid of them!!

Hahaha WHAT? I would LOVE that to happen! Sounds like a dream to me! Overabundance of fruits and veggies at my house? No chance! That is so hilarious though! Someone should have taken it to the next town to donate or something? I'm sure there must have been a way to use it haha

Haha, yeah it would be a raw vegan paradise! I need to start pulling zucchini recipes now. Though the cucumbers have the best-looking sprouts so far!

The pancake was very delicious. Thanks for share this recipe.

You are most welcome @shahedadib =D

What a great idea, who would have thought zucchini! I'll have to try this one. With chocolate and bananas, YUM! Thanks!

I know right? CRAZY isn't it? I had surprised myself with pumpkin before so I thought why not? Honestly, it replaces the wet ingredients and doesn't carry flavor so give it a try and let me know how you like it! If my dad liked them, I am convinced most will ;) He's picky haha 💖

Thank you for sharing this yumminess. I played with many healthy recipes, never tried zuccini in pancakes before. So excited to try. Much love Food Goddess!

I hadn't tried it before this either but it's actually delicious- I say go for it and let me know how much you love it ;)

That's an awesome rcipe, thanks for sharing!! 🤗 I make banana-oat pencakes quite often, I really like them. Today I made cinnamon chickpea flour pencakes for breakfast, and those were very yummy and quick, too. I think you can never go wrong with healthy, sweet pencakes for breakfast 😍😍

Oh wow, chickpea flour belongs in my kitchen ;) Do you blend your oats or just use them whole? I'm thinking about trying to boil them first and see how they work in a new way next time! I think you should share the recipe and enter it next week :) 💖 I was just telling my brother how much I missed Central America's fruit selections after I saw your entry ;)

When I make oat pencakes, I place the bananas and iot into the blender with some plant vased milk, and blend it all together, so I don't blend the oats first. Well, as you recommended, I'll drfinitrly share my chickpea flour pencake recipe next week 😄😄

I found it really helped with the mixing but I added some regular oats later on. I can't wait to see your recipe :)

That looks so good :) I love the prepping photos so you can see what kind of texture they should have :) I really want to try these next weekend and see how they turn out.
I've always been a fan of pancakes and have loved to experiment with them since I became vegan. I'm sure these will be a new favourite :)
Resteemed <3

Hey! I'm happy those photos helped! I try to remember to take them when I'm cooking but sometimes I get lost in the moment ;) I just wanted to show that they can appear chunky but it still turned out great and flat somehow 💖 I've had a hard time finding some I like but these are really good- I think you'll love them! My dad is super picky so that's how I'm judging it haha

I completely understand what you mean :D I also get lost in the moment and forget to take the prepping photos.
They look really delicious =).
I know how the pancake struggle can be :D.
I've been following vegan.niinja's recipe for a while but these looks like a great alternative <3

In the USA they have this banana powder stuff you can buy at the store and it's actually delicious and the ingredients are not bad at all! I remember I ate them when I was visiting about a year back and they kicked butt! I have to try to figure that recipe out so we can all be eating pancakes all the time :) What does vegan.niija use?

Wow that sounds interesting :)
She uses ground oats, banana, oatmilk and baking powder. Super easy and so yummy.
Just put a little berries on top of the batter while frying them and they become even better =)

YUM! So the oatmilk is the liquid in this recipe! Alright, this is too fun! Think of all the pancakes we can make if we all pull our ideas together! :)

Haha :D there is so many good pancake recipes out there :D We could have a pancake buffe :D

OMG YUM! I can't wait to try these!! I used to love pancakes before going vegan and I love love love chocolate, so these are a must try on my list:)

Well @creeflow chocolate is in like everything I make... I can't help it. I live in Bali with raw cacao and I just think it should go in everything 💖 I've had many subs since I went vegan and a lot of recipes don't live up to my expectations but these did so I definitely recommend giving them a try 💖

You are right! GF & vegan are so hard to get right, especially when we're nut, soy & oat-free as well. I'm going to try this with a teff/sprouted brown rice mix. Thanks for sharing!

I hear you! I hardly ever use oats but I got GF oats and if I use only small amounts, I'm OK. I wouldn't eat too much of it though because I still find it can be tough on my tummy... I'd love to hear how the other mix goes! 💖

So great and easy recipe sweetheart! Just love them! Thanks a lot for sharing!

It is my pleasure, I promise 💖 I love showing what the vegan food world has to offer so people know what they could be eating ;)

Dad hasn't gone yet? I am readyyyyyyyyy to move in. I am missing all these! Haha

Awww no, he leaves today and I am sooooo sad about it :( That does mean there is a spare room and empty plate though!

I totally understand that, especially with his funny ways and liveliness. I know you will miss him. My moving in would help a little too and don't worry, that empty plate would be sorted out by me. Haha. Where is he going back to? I wish him a safe flight.

He is crazy! I think I made him a little bit more vegan so we will see what he does going home ;) You are welcome to eat anything I make while you stay :) He's going back to Canada, he just got there a couple of hours ago and now his room is empty and I am sad haha

Hahahahaha he is quite handy i can tell. I still remember the face he made while taking the chocolate you made that time. Hahaha. I laughed.
You managed to transformed him hahaha...with your exquisite touch and meals, i don't mind being transformed too. Haha.
I am coming...get ready for Olawalium...we are starting our Valentine afresh.

Haha well I got him again on another treat- actually that reminds me I need to record that recipe and share it. I'm fasting right now so I don't know if I can handle looking at food though, we'll have to see about that. You know how much I love my food ;)

I'm positive you'll be transformed, it's all part of my magic 💖

I love your magic. How is the fasting going for you. I see, you have made that post already. You managed it quite well, right? I know you love your food and i love you and your food haha.

Yumm!! I love anything chocolate or zucchini, so these are a double win for me!!!

I do too! I wish I had an oven, I could get crazy with the two of them lol

I would exchange my oven for a tropic paradise any day :)

Should we do a house swap for a couple of weeks? Grass is greener and all that ;) I think I am going to buckle down and make a solar oven! Either that or just stick my stuff on the driveway and see if it cooks ;)

Hahahah right!?!?!

A solar oven would be awesome! I'm so dim when it comes to science, so I would love to see how you make it!

Well I was staying on some permaculture farms when I lived in Central America and I have seen many in practice so I am positive I can do it. I'm crafty enough I think. Not so much on the science front either but definitely determined enough to sort it out. I'll let you know :)

I totally agree with you on the traditional pancakes Sweetie, although I never ate them. I guess because I am European, I tough they were disgusting, just like I thought of Poutine when I saw it here in Canada, lol.

Nevertheless, I love vegan pancakes and I make my very similar to yours, but I haven't made them with cacao yet and without zucchini. Well now is time to try your recipes........... It is clearely super delicious 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Hahaha Lena, they are disgusting traditionally... I don't understand them. They are everything I don't like eating piled into one thing :P

But poutine, I kind of love. I have to being Canadian and all, it's essential for the passport ;)

My dad came back to Canada today, I almost went with him but I think I'll wait til it's warmer and I'll have him come with me for a visit to you :)

I think you would love these, the zucchini gives them the wetness they need and the cacao is just for fun ;) <3

Hmmmm! This looks so delicious!

I was sucking up to my dad :)