How To Make Salad (That Doesn't Suck) Part 2: Protein & Cheeze (Vegan/GF/Delicious)

in #vegan7 years ago

🤣How could I not share this photo-perfect moment with you? Now that you're here, let me show you what we're really working with!

Spinach and kale combine forces to give you the perfect green base for this salad. Of course, if you know me, what I am interested in is the taste-good part and here, we use a nut-cheeze to deliver a familiar element to our veganized lunch!


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Remember how I was telling you that even though I am a vegan, healthy food enthusiast, I have a hard time with salads… well, it’s true so I spend a lot of time making salads that are so fun and exciting, even I want to eat them =D

This salad involves tempe (made from fermented soy beans- I strongly suggest making sure you find an organic/non-GMO option!) This is where we’re going to get tons of protein from! People ask vegans all the time where they get their protein as it’s a common misconception that animal products are the only way to get it. Well, truth is, plants are packed full of protein and tempe is an excellent and delicious source so throw it on in your salad to replace the meat that used to top it!

We’ve also got some Irish Moss in this recipe which is a red algae gaining popularity in the vegan and raw food movement as another protein with minerals to boot! It’s commonly used as a thickening agent but in this case, I’m going to sprinkle it on the salad (it doesn’t have much taste) for texture and an extra oomph!

The nut cheeze you see on top is not just for fun! It’s a bit of comfort added to this twist on a tradition dish. When I go to restaurants, I often look at the menu and salads generally have cheese and meat listed as their main ingredients so I thought, why not spice it up and do it vegan!?

You ready to SALAD?

What you need:


  • 1 package organic tempe
  • 1 package mushrooms (I used locally grown white oyster mushrooms)
  • Garlic
  • Shallots
  • Green onion
  • 1 bunch of kale
  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 4/5 radishes
  • 1 handful Irish moss
  • Pink Himalayan sea salt
  • Coconut or olive oil
  • Filtered water


  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 ‘nub’ of ginger
  • 1 tbs sesame seeds
  • 3 tbs coconut oil
  • Dash pink Himalayan sea salt


  • ¼ cup almonds
  • ¼ cup sunflower seeds
  • juice of half lemon
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • dash pink Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 clove garlic

What to do:

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  • Rinse your spinach and cut into small pieces (*who likes getting huge chunks of green on their fork, looking around thinking ‘how am I supposed to get this into my mouth without looking like a pig?’… that last part could just be me and if that’s the case, forfeit cutting and throw your rinsed greens in a salad bowl!
  • Take cut up pieces of kale and massage them into salty water, this will break the hardness down, making it more digestible for your tummy and more enjoyable to eat for you! (Win-win!)
  • Slice some tomatoes and radish (or whatever is local and in season that you may prefer!)
  • Take a handful of Irish moss and cut it into chunks
  • Place all of the above ingredients into a salad bowl and set aside

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  • In a skillet combine shallots, garlic, green onion, mushrooms and tempe and fry them up in coconut oil and pink Himalayan sea salt until you start to get some browning
  • Fry this mixture until your tempe pieces are crispy (or however you like them!)
  • Add on top of your veggies!

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  • I have a sesame ginger recipe that I sprinkled over the salad bowl and mixed thoroughly for maximum enjoyment (see ingredients)


  • Blend together your cheeze ingredients
  • Add water as needed until you get a thick, creamy looking cheeze
  • Top your salad with the cheeze for photos ;) then mix in all through your salad so you get some in every bite!

Let's put it all together now!


YUM! I hope you enjoy this salad as much as I did. I try to get my greens in daily and making them fun and delicious sure helps get the job done!

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PS: I am still in the gorgeous Maldives on my trip so my internet is spotty and basically for the most part not even remotely reliable so I am coming to you with special recipes I have prepared previously and been saving for a rainy day. In this case, it sure isn’t a rainy day (in fact I better head out to the sun to catch some snorkeling on this island oasis) but I wanted to check in and make sure I’m still inspiring and supporting the healthy, vegan movement that is so strong and growing wildly here!

Sending you love through food, as always!


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Great recipe! Great spread good eating tips.

Yes, I am very much focused on sharing healthy but delicious recipes :)

The salad looks colorful, healthy and delicious!

Those are my keys to making magic ;)

Sweet salad althoough it was really that pic that got me , hahaha. Thought someone had sprinkled some nasty powder in your salad . Circa your crazy drug mule story !

HAHAHA, well, you know me, I wouldn't put it past me ;) I am queen of ridiculous faces. I say "Hey can you take a photo of me doing _________" and most times it turns out this way haha I am too much goofy! But, this is the second reminder today that I MUST finish that story. I am going to do it when I get back to Bali, I'll write it all out and hope the cops don't ever find me ;)

Looks delicious. I love spinach, I literally eat it every day. I’ve been seeing cheeze and vegan “mozzarella” on steem for days now and I think this is the week I finally make it!

I love spinach too! I don't know that I love kale but I try to love kale ;) I have a really hard time deciding if I like it or if I just want to like it haha :) vegan cheeze is my favorite thing, I honestly doubt that I could handle my life if it didn't exist! I have tons of recipes because having Italian in me, cheeze was my life so I can make some and share some when I get back to Bali.. now I am hungry <3 Let me know if you do it and how you like it <3

AJ picked your post @heart-to-heart for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

Awesome! Thanks AJ, it's always an honor to be chosen :)

Now thats a Boss salad. Recently I noticed the mentions function is not working so I am unable to see posts others have tagged or mentioned me in. Not sure if this is the same case for you, anyway I mentioned you in the post I made about #contest and #challenges on Steemit.

Oh wow, thank you @isteemithard... I actually have lost complete touch with mentions and I have had incredibly limited internet while I have been in Maldives for the past 2 weeks so I had no idea but thank you for the feature that is awesome! I can't wait to get the contest going again when I get back home <3

your welcome hope you are having great experiences on your travel.

Thank you so much! I am having a great time! What do you use to monitor your mentions?
Steemistry, just enter your username in the search box.

i will try to make one tonight, thnx for sharing ur magic recipe

A healthy salad full of all these great benefits to the body will have you feeling amazing! I hope you give it a go :)

Even after being vegan for 2 years I still haven’t brought myself round to try and make a great salad 😂 I always found them bland and brining but your recipe definitely fixes that 😂

Thank you for sharing this amazing salad! Finally I can get around to making salads again 🌱

I love that you say that! Being vegan everyone thinks I eat salad all the time like a rabbit... honestly, I RARELY eat salad haha but I have had to make epic strides like this one to convince myself to eat a salad opposed to a healthy treat that I'm always posting about :P It's all about the texture and sauce. Load it with sauce and it's actually enjoyable, promise ;) <3

hahah, your first picture is hilarious. Your salad looks amazing, i need to start saving the ones i want us to eat together when we go on our picnic.

Haha yeah totally just give me a list of the things I have shared that you wanted to eat and I'll bring everything <3 I hope you're doing well my dear, it's been a while. I have been all over the place and feel like things have just changed so much in such a short time here!

Can I have a salad with lots and lots of meat?

Hmmm, you sure can but not in my house or from my recipes ;)

Nice recipe!

Thanks, happy to hear you liked it :)

See how beautiful you are! Nice tips on the recipe but i would still want to eat the one you made. Don't forget, i am staying longer and might not leave. Haha.

Haha well whenever that time comes, I'll make you some :)

You are too adorable.🤗🤗🤗🤗😙😚😘. I gave a mention to you in my last post about how you are one of the many people who made my stay here bearable. I went for a workshop programme to promote Steemit. It was amazing. Your follower count might increase soon haha

Awww thanks my dear, you're so good to me :) I have been trying so hard to keep up on here but between the internet troubles and loading, I have not been able to do much online. I make my posts offline and let them load for the hour or more it takes for them to finally post haha

So happy to hear you're out promoting Steemit! Tell me about how it went! I had lined up a lot of talks before I ended up in New Zealand and never ended up getting to fulfill them! =D

Better late than never right? You can still have the talk. I gave a report about it in my last post. Let me break it down for you. I told them about the need to be willing to learn on Steemit. Learning is the first, then creating genuine relationship here. Told them we all do come for the money and then fall in love with the community so much that we push money aside and focus on what we have to give back. Touching lives and i made mention to them on how i kept searching and came across your post and many others whom i have struck a good bond with. Most of them registered on sight and are waiting for registration to be confirmed. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to give back and see them get excited.

Aww that's wonderful :) I love the community here and how it goes so much farther than the dollar amount that we might see on our posts <3 Great to hear you've inspired more people to join us! =D Anddd, I'm happy to be friends :)

Yaaaaaaay! Thanks a lot and people like you make the stay here worthwhile. Thank you for all you do. Are you still in dream land?


Looks totes delish!

Thanks for putting clear instructions.
So going to try this out soon :)

Hey @ashleykalila you are so welcome! I always do my recipes this way so no one can use the excuse that it's too hard ;) I love sharing healthy foods and can't wait to hear about your journey making this one <3

Looks Yum ! Will surely try. Upvoted and Followed :)