
Thats the truth, if a person had to kill an animal himself to eat it, most won't do it... around 90% of the population would be vegan.

That's not true. I recommend reading the book Sapiens or picking up any literature on anthropology.

You'll see how brutal our ancestors and sub-sapien neighbors were since the beginning of humanity. Farming didn't actually come in until very recently, and before that time, scavenging and hunting were the only means of survival.

It's 2017, can't compare humans of today from thousands of years ago or even hundreds of years ago... humans evolve. In present time, ask a person to slaughter an animal, 90% won't do it in our current time 😀

I don't think you can say 90% because that's based on your opinion not scientific fact.

If you're considering 2017, there's multitudes of variables that are involved in that consideration, but you only focus on one. You don't address the reasons why that may be, which could very well be connected with conditioning via other individuals or society. So the root cause of your argument isn't because a human wouldn't naturally do it. It may be because we were never taught to. Or we are now so conditioned to "2017" that we can't individually function as organisms of survival anymore, at least not when it comes to mother nature.

Also, you're only arguing with a selective sample size. The "modern" world. But there are still many small hunter-gatherer tribes in existence today, their communities hunt and eat meat. And in those populations, your argument isn't true.

Good point but in nature you can see animals eating animals so my point is we have to survive but no eat pounds and pounds of food

Going to the grocery store should not be compared to what goes on in nature! Plus we don't kill animals with our teeth and eat them raw like every carnivore in nature! Humans are designed to be vegan!

I'm not sure about it because a plant is almost an animal because they are alive but the consumerism is real in our society. i will follow you to learn more about vegan people

I think going vegan is fine if someone chooses to; we're all endowed with choice, after all!

And we are also endowed with an appetite and physiology for meat, as well as the intelligence to cook and make delicious meat (at least I think so, personally). So people who choose to eat meat (like myself) are also not wrong in my book.

Eating meat and animal products is an addiction! Why pay for animal cruelty and slaughter plus poor health when it's not necessary?

Hmm, I think addiction's a hyperbole in this case...

The world of meat is not black and white, I think if you look outside of the population of 1st world nations like the United States (and even within the United States) you'll see that people aren't "addicted" to meat. I go lots of meals without meat, actually. I think affinity is the more accurate description.

When you go into the question of why pay for animal cruelty, then it becomes a very philosophical debate about many of the things we pay for: the prison system, centralized currency, keeping people in debt, social rules that are unfair for the majority of the population, etc.

I'm not saying your question isn't valid. It's a very important question to consider. And having the luxury to consider it says a lot about where we've come as human beings, animals with no physical talent for survival and yet we are now the top of the food chain. Maybe it is our responsibility to care for animals, maybe it isn't.

The food chain is a myth! Human beings were created and placed in a fruit garden! And it's definitely our responsibility to care for animals, not torture, rape, enslave, and slaughter them!

I'm sorry I can't tell if you're being serious anymore...

If the fruit garden you're referencing is the Garden of Eden... Then kudos, you really trolled me.

Otherwise, the main arguments of human origin 200,000 years ago (I think actually more since they recently--a few months ago--discovered human fossils dating back to almost 300,000 years ago) are that we came from Africa or that we came from Asia.

In either scenario, there were no fruit gardens.

There were no gardens, period.

In fact, not only were there no fruit gardens, but there was also no concept of "responsibility." Responsibility is a human idea, too. So defining what our responsibilities are can only be defined by humans. But there is no single responsibility set forth by any intergalactic natural laws of the universe. The universe could care less.

I don't believe earth has been around more than 10 - 15 thousand years. Scientific dating methods are not accurate! And no I'm not trolling! The first humans were put in a fruit garden.