"Dogma built on lies." Which lies? I'm providing evidence and sources, you aren't.
You do realize you sound insane right? You can't possibly think we can feed the world with your method? It's impractical, unhealthy and it violates universal human rights.
I've listened to all of your arguments in the debate with Vegan Gains and Ask Yourself. Your vieworld causes much more suffering than a vegan world.
I think every mentally sane person agrees we ought to live in a world where there is less unnecessary suffering and more wellbeing.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you said you eat only raw meat? And you only kill one cow every two years? I would like to see the evidence for that and to see how your body is reacting to it. Show me a peer reviewed paper where people eat raw meat and are healthier than whole food plant based vegans.
A whole food plant based diet is the only diet that has been proven with peer reviewed science to be the ideal diet for human beings.
When it comes to farming and killing animals for crops, there are alternatives, hydroponic farms and veganic farming for example. If these choices become practical then by all means people will definitely choose the more ethical way of farming.
You are defending a position that is a time bomb. Humans will always tend to live in a more ethical society because it has been proven to be more effective in prolonging life, health and wellbeing. Game theory shows us how cooperation is the best choice for both individuals or groups. Blockchain technology is removing the trust issue. AI will have an ethical system built in that will be logically consistent which you aren't.
I don't think you would accept being killed by a person that says: "Well I'm gonna kill you and eat your body parts for two years because I'm too lazy to grow some beans or tomatoes using a method which doesn't kill other animals."
Enjoy your meat until it becomes illegal, you're on the wrong side of history. You can deploy your "I kill less animals by eating one cow every two years" argument until veganic farming become mainstream. If you really cared about killing less animals you would start getting interested in hydroponic and vegan farms. But I guess you're just using it as an excuse because that's the kind of human being you are.
Have a good one, and good luck with your raw meat eating, sounds delicious.
how is your reading comprehension? I just told you all of the "experts" you listed lied about the adventist health study. Then I told you to go to my video where I read directly from the study proving they deliberately lied.
Seems like you arent interested in evidence since I told you where to look and you ignored it.