Alkaline Life πŸ•

in #vegan β€’ 7 years ago

I am alkaline.

Over the past (almost a) year i have transformed my life. I started my journey with alkalinism as solely just changing the foods I ate. I thought of it as being vegan, but more strict. I stopped eating meat, dairy, eggs, hybrid fruits and vegetables and I quit drinking. I didn't do it slowly, I just woke up one day and decided that from that moment on i would be alkaline. Below is a list of the foods on the approved Dr Sebi nutritional guide.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, registered nutritionalist, or scientist. Everything in this post is based on my own personal experience. Take it as you like.

As the days turned to weeks and eventually flowed into months, being alkaline became so much more than a "diet." It wasn't about what I ate it was about who I was becoming by changing what I ate.

My mind began to clear. It was as though I had been living my life in a dense fog that caused me to have no direction and be content to live in the dark. When I changed what I put into the body, my temple, the fog began to clear and life came into sharper focus.

My life changed dramatically in the first few months of being alkaline. I lost interest in "going out", I finally saw that scene for what it was. A way to keep the youth medicated on poison (alcohol), numb to the world and numb to themselves. I was waking up.

I quit taking my birth control after being alkaline for only 2 weeks. I did some research about what the hormones do to a woman's body and I couldn't believe I had been taking "the pill" for nearly 5 years.

I stopped drinking tap water as soon as I realized that the American drinking water is flooded with fluoride. Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland, making you care less and affecting your natural hormone production and regulation.

My world was shifting. Shifting away from late nights filled with partying and lazy mornings of eating meat and cheese and drinking mimosas, "that brunch life". Instead I was reading more, researching foods and alternate medicines. I started practicing yoga everyday and snowboarding whenever I didn't have class (I was living in Montana at this time).

Being alkaline became my world. In the beginning I felt uncomfortable to tell people I was vegan, even though i don't even identify as vegan, I am alkaline. It was as though society had trained me to be ashamed to be different, embarressed that I don't eat meat.

Now I am proud. Empowered that I was able to break the mold society had formed for me. I don't eat meat or dairy or eggs and I don't drink alcohol and I'm only 23 years old. Standing up for what I believe is right is all I want to do. I believe that humans were not created to eat meat or dairy and I now freely share these opinions with anyone who I discuss my diet and lifestyle with.

Veganism is our future and alkaline is the next step.

The most common words I hear upon telling people I'm alkaline and explaining which foods I don't eat is, "but what can you eat?!" When I first learned about the alkaline diet I thought the exact same thing. Society has conditioned us to believe a meal isn't complete without a piece of meat. I now know that meat should never even be considered a meal at all.

I am alkaline and my favorite food is still pizza πŸ• pizza free from cheese, no meat, pizza that is entirely plant based.


Today I'm going to share my recipe for alkaline electric pizza!

(I would like to say that I rarely measure my ingredients so the meausurments below are approximatations)

What you will need

For the crust:

  • 2 cups spelt flour
  • 2 cups kamut flour
  • 1/2 cup garbanzo flour
  • sea salt
  • onion powder
  • dried oregano and basil
  • splash of grapeseed oil

For the sauce:

  • 10-15 Roma tomatoes
  • fresh basil
  • salt
  • onion powder

For the pesto:

  • 2 large bunches of fresh basil
  • 1/4-1/2 cup grapeseed oil
  • 1/4 cup soaked walnuts
  • 1/8 cup hemp seeds (optional)
  • salt
  • onion powder

For the cheese:

  • 1-2 cups soaked walnuts (or Brazil nuts)
  • spring water
  • salt
  • onion powder
  • 1-3 key limes

Whatever veggies you like!
I like to use sliced roma tomatoes, onion, pepper, shroomies, fresh basil and zucchini, olives if I have them.


  • Preheat oven to 425Β°F

  • Crust: combine all dry ingredients for crust in a large mixing bowl, add splash of oil (make sure the oil you use is approved to be heated by Dr Sebi, I use grapeseed, sesame, or avocado). Slowly mix in spring water until a dough ball is formed. Be careful not to make it too wet or sticky, you should be able to pick up the whole dough ball and not have it stick to your hands. Put aside, cover bowl with a damp cloth.

  • Sauce: slice Roma tomatoes in half, place in glass dish sliced face up, season with salt, onion powder, and fresh basil, roast in the oven until soft, about 15 minutes. Once roasted, blend until smooth (if you don't have a blender, just cook them down), place in cast iron pot on low heat, allow to simmer for about an hour, this will cook some of the water off.

  • Pesto: blend together fresh basil, oil, soaked walnuts and spices, add spring water to reach desired consistency. I usually try to keep the pesto thick and less watery when using for pizza.

  • Cheese: blend until smooth the soaked walnuts, spring water, lime juice, and spices. Again I like to keep the cheese thicker and less watery for pizza. It should be like the consistency of ricotta, it isn't going to be like dairy cheese that melts.

  • Once everything is made find a nice open counter space to create your pizzas.

  1. Roll out the dough and place onto a greased baking dish (I only use cast iron or glass, ONLY, if I don't have access to glass or cast iron I use metal baking dishes covered with unbleached nontoxic parchment paper). Bake for 10 minutes. There should be enough dough for 2 to 4 pizzas depending on how big you want them and how thick you want the dough.
  2. Once dough has cooked 10-15 minutes remove and make your pizza.
  3. I layer the sauce then cheese then pesto then the toppings.
  4. Bake pizza for 15-30 minutes more. It varies depending on on wet your sauces were.
  5. Check the pizza by lifting up a corner (carefully, it's hot) and seeing if it's crisped up on the bottom. If it lifts easily without bending it's ready.
  6. Take your pizza out, put the next dough in.
  7. Slice it up and ENJOY!

My favorite part about eating alkaline pizza is knowing that it's so good for me! There aren't any harmful chemicals or preservatives or meats and cheeses. Every bite can be enjoyed totally guilt free πŸ€—

Okay so this was my first ever post sharing a recipe, if you have ANY questions at all please do not hesitate to ask, I am more than happy to answer them. If you think I left out a crucial detail(s) please let me know so I can adjust the post and include the information you need. I can't wait to share more alkaline recipes with you!

Creeflow on and eat more alkaline pizza.

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I heard about Dr. Sebi shortly after reading two of Arnold Ehret's books; The Mucusless Diet Healing System and Rational Fasting- both written in in the early 1800's in Germany. After following his guidelines of eating mucusless (alkaline ) foods, I then discovered Dr. Robert Morse and this has been LIFE CHANGING. I've been a clean-eating vegan for some time but learning about how the body works and the way to true healing and regeneration through detoxification has brought me to my current healing journey and I could'nt be more grateful to this man. My life is forever changed! I definitely recommend giving him a look up on YouTube. Dr. Morse is thought of as the "modern day" Dr. Sebi and Prof. Ehret. He explains that alkalization of the body is just the first step to homeostasis within, healing and the regeneration of tissues and organs. Eating raw, living foods allows us to radiate love at its highest vibration, increasing our compassion and spiritual connection simultaneously. When we eat our species' specific food; fruits and herbs-our health, happiness and vitality is restored! Mindful eating is a radical self-love, love for our Mother Gaia and all beings. Living foods beget life and dead foods beget death. It made so much sense to me and when I put it to the test on my own body it just clicked intuitively. Deep healing and connection with my body and my spirit followed... I just know this is how we were meant to live!

Thank you for sharing your story and delicious recipe! Much love<3
(I'm new to steem but will be posting my first blog soon, if you are interested give me a follow)

Wow, I am so extremely happy for you and your journey. I gave you a follow and can't wait to see what you have to post. I am extremely interested in Dr. Robert Morse as well as Prof. Ehret and will be looking into them very soon.
What you said about living foods bringing life and dead food bringing death could not resonate more with me, it makes perfect sense.
Isn't it incredible how changing what you eat changes the entire way you think and feel and view the world around you? I know that when I changed my diet my world became a different place, I woke up.
Love always, I look forward to following your journey:)

Great post. We have been living according to the acid-base balance (most of times) since a few years and so much good things have come from it. My hubby was able to get off his meds to control MS thanks to this and making the switch to plant-based.

That is so wonderful! I'm so happy for both of you. Isn't it incredible what can happen when we let food be our medicine?

It sure is amazing. They are finally starting a scientific study on the connection between MS and food!

oh wow, this is so delicious looking, its morning here and i want pizza for breakfast. no idea how you got the crust looking so so good!
πŸ˜‹ πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œβ€ 😍

i'm really impressed that you make sure not to contaminate your food and use appropriate kitchen utensil and unbleached things, i paid for a msp-bidbot and levitation to upvote you cos my vote is worthless atm. well done great post

Thank you Love! Pizza is good morning, noon and night

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This is a very informative post. My favorite part of pizza has always been a good crust with a good sauce. This recipe looks so tasty!

Thanks! You'll have to let me know if you try it:)

So informative and great recipe! Thanks so much for sharing!! :)

You're welcome! let me know if you make some:)

This is so interesting :) I love to read more about alkaline diet. Can you still bake and enjoy sweets on an alkaline diet?

Thanks! YES! The hardest thing for me to quit eating was sugar, I was so addicted to sugar and sweets. So I started experimenting with baking my own sweets (I use raw agave or dates or date sugar to sweeten my treats) and I make everything from brownies, cookies, cakes, "cheese"cakes, really anything! It all comes down to playing with flavors and seeing what works well together.

Ohh that sound great :) I need to see if I can find date sugar here in Sweden. I'm your new stalker =).
I notice that my arthritis bloom up when I eat a lot of sugar so I'm really done with that now.
Only sugar free for me =).
Really looking forward to learn from you.