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RE: β˜€οΈ kick start your day on the right track β˜•πŸΉπŸŠπŸŒπŸ₯– Bring on the Sunshine β˜€οΈ

in #vegan β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

My honest guessing is that ur just a lonely person that gets none... I wonder why you don't recommend a beer or a good scotch.. It makes no difference to a person that has good metabolism... Other then that, your suggestion is bad... Looks like OJ is sponsoring you... I can go both ways.. I don't have that problem, but for most people, coffee or OJ could be ass bad... Cut the crap!
I'm 5'10 and been 174+/-2 for the last 11 yrs...
I can eat a pound of bacon, and no sideeffects, way better then a pound of chicken, or Tofu crap.