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RE: Ex-CIA head Michael Hayden: Wikileaks is acting as an agent of Russia

in #vault78 years ago (edited)

You should know that governments put more information than the rest of us put together for their own purposes... they run operations to leak secrets to test their own system... their own disgruntled employees are encouraged to leak secrets and see what happens, they leave laptops around as are left behind by drunk, they leave papers around, they put stuff on Wikileaks, these are all well known techniques to alarm the public, create sympathy and get more funding.

-John Young (co-founder of Cryptome) in 2011

...if you go to war again, who is it going to be against? Your "ability to fight a Two-ocean War" against who? Sweden and Togo? Who you sitting here to Go To War Against? That time has passed. It's passed. It's over. The War of the Future is (cyberwarfare and/or lone wolf terrorism?)... ...And you can call this a "drill," or you can call it "job security," or you can call it anything you like... And if there ain't no war, you can punch out, go home, and take up Oil Painting.

-Brean to the CIA agent in Wag The Dog