Some missing links behind Vault 7

in #vault78 years ago (edited)

I frantically assembled this from some notes i made for myself, when I realised that Vault 7 might be leaked very soon, although who knows he might not get off the toilet before delivering the dump, this is all assuming we've exhausted the Five Ws and the one H and that "how" was the last in the build up. So this is essentially a dump of the research I found interesting related to the posts or just funny(not the genocidal parts but the cannibal hamsters).

I will try to keep updating this leading up to the release if anything else comes up

What is #Vault7? - Posted Feb. 4th, 2017 - Svalbard global seed vault, part of Norway. The seed bank is Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the US agribusiness giant DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, one of the world’s largest owners of patented genetically-modified (GMO) plant seeds and related agrichemicals; Syngenta, the Swiss-based major GMO seed and agrichemicals company through its Syngenta Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1960 the Rockefeller Foundation, John D. Rockefeller III’s Agriculture Development Council and the Ford Foundation joined forces to create the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, the Philippines. By 1971, the Rockefeller Foundation’s IRRI, along with their Mexico-based International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center(Forced monoculture of maize in france has recently been the cause of cannabalism in endangered hampsters - sounds insane, but actually true...this is also what some anthropologists have suggested is what caused the cannabalistic tendancies of the Aztecs and Anasazi, due to improperly cooked corn) and two other Rockefeller and Ford Foundation-created international research centres, the IITA for tropical agriculture, Nigeria, and IRRI for rice, Philippines, combined to form a global Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR). Both Ford and the Rockefellers were known Nazi sympathisers. Rockefeller funded eugenics programs and gave fellowships to people like Dr. Eugen Haagen, a high-ranking Nazi who specialised in weaponizing deadly viruses. The nazis themselves were inspired by Ford's writings, as he is the only American mentioned in Mein Kampf, Ford liked them too, not just for the slave labour they provided him. Bill Gates obviously had a close relationship with IBM who were even closer to the Nazi's, when Nazi Germany went into France, IBM built two new factories to supply the Nazi's, when Germany invaded Holland in May 1940, IBM rushed a brand-new subsidiary into occupied Holland, they provided custom-made IBM punch card programs, machinery and tailored railroad management programs that allowed them to efficiently process the Jewish people into camps, they are even responsible for the tattoos used to identify the Jewish people at Auschwitz. Bill Gates also funded Oxitec, who are thought to be responsible for releasing genetically modified mosquitos into Brazil that are carrying and spreading the Zika virus. Bill Gates has literally said on twitter "Malthus wrote one of the most influential essays in history...but it’s wrong", despite disclaimer, his interest still worries me. Malthus being known for his theories on population growth and control, he thought food security was more important than maximising wealth but criticized the Poor Laws for leading to inflation rather than improving the well-being of the poor but most importantly was a huge influence on the schools of eugenics. Which if you don't realise has mostly responsible for the Nazi rhetoric of racial purity seeing as Malthus thought the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior, and the mentally incompetent had to be suppressed and isolated–or even, perhaps, eliminated. Another fun fact is Bill and Melinda Gates were apparently under consideration for Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential nominee, according to the podesta e-mails. Monsanto and DuPont developed and proliferated such "innovations" as dioxin, PCBs, Agent Orange, they also covered up decades of evidence that carcinogens and other toxic chemicals in their consumer products were causing severe health problems, also developing spermicide through Epicyte, which what? They bred into corn? Very Malthusian indeed. They have buried serious scientific reports that the world’s most widespread herbicide, glyphosate, the essential ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide that is tied to purchase of most Monsanto genetically engineered seeds, is toxic when it seeps into drinking water. Monsanto interestingly also funded the Clinton campaign heavily, and even stranger is that Assad passed a ban on GMOs in Syria in 2012. Peculiar emails were sent from Gary Hirschberg, chairman of the “Just Label It” GMO labelling campaign to John Podesta, campaign chairman of the Clinton campaign, which exposes plans by insiders to rebrand Hillary as some type of hero for food freedom. As well Wikileaks has already shown us how American diplomats requested funding to send lobbyists for the biotech industry to meet with politicians and agricultural officials in “target countries.” These included countries in Africa, Latin America, and Europe. Overall all these groups that fund this essentially have a monopoly on "seed banks" and GMOs, and in some way can be connected back to eugenics and nazism, also to add George Soros has also been involved with funding Monsanto, we'll get back to Soros later though.

When is #Vault7? - Posted Feb. 5th, 2017 - F119-PW-100, predominantly used by the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. The F119-PW-100 is manufactured by Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies Corp subsidiary, who recently received a $313.9 million contract modification from the U.S. Air Force to help maintain the F119-PW-100 engines. The Photo is from the Langley–Eustis military base where they test the engines in two sound proof buildings on the east side of the base, the base also holds squadrons of the F-22 fighters. Pratt and Whitney along with other US manufacturers provided German companies like BMW, Siemens and others with patents and military secrets in the lead up to and during WW2, the “Junkers-87″ was made entirely off American technology and even Hitlers personal plane was based off a Pratt and Whitney engine design but manufactured by BMW. The Langley-Eustis base is also home to Langley Research Center or LaRC(part of NACA, now NASA also a home to Nazi scientists) which was home to Nazi-era german scientists such as Adolf Busemann who thanks the not so secret government program "operation paperclip" found a new home working for the American government, allowing them to be involved with dangerous experimental programs such as MKULTRA. Busemann research at Langley-Eustis mostly entailed eliminating wave drag, minimising/eliminating sonic booms, and supersonic flow characterization. For some context of the support of Nazism in the west in 1941, when the Second World War was in full swing, American investment in the German economy totaled $475 million and ITT (now ITT/Exelis) a defense contractor for the US military sued the US government seeking recompense for damages incurred by US and allies bombing German factories that they partly owned, which were used by Focke-Wulf to build German military aircraft and won forcing the US government to pay for the damages.

Where is #Vault7? - Posted Feb. 6th, 2017 - Pictures from the mythical Merkers salt mine in Thuringia, Germany. Where masses of nazi gold and priceless artworks were found by the US army in 1945. There has been plenty of debate, conspiracies and lawsuits about what has happened to and what should be done with Nazi gold, but largely is thought to have been laundered into various European banks, mainly Swiss accounts whose national bank received $440m in gold from Nazi sources during the war. In 1995 and 2000 there were lawsuits from Holocaust survivors against the Swiss banks and the Vatican who supposedly confiscated 350M swiss francs worth of gold for "safekeeping", which was supposedly kept in Swiss bank accounts, the other case also involved a testimony from Stuart Eizenstat, Bill Clintons Treasurer at the time. There are plenty of theories that Nazi gold is still at large in other places thanks to things like ODESSA, an international Nazi underground organisation set up with the purpose of facilitating the escape of SS members which was in turn facilitated by groups such as the Red Cross and the Vatican.

Who is #Vault7? - Posted Feb. 7th, 2017 - Poster of Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden made by the CDSE (Center for development of security excellence), who largely are responsible for training DOD cyber security staff, i feel like this is an allusion to the leaker possibly being from DOD cyber security but the "how" maybe implied it had something to do with CIAs stolen Stasi files. Who knows?

Why is #Vault7? - Posted Feb. 8th, 2017 A picture of a worker at Whiteman Air Force Base. Whiteman Air Force Base. Whiteman Air Force Base is the host for the 509th Bomb Wing, which is the only base that holds the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers, the B-2 was originally designed to deliver nuclear weapons, modern usage has shifted towards a flexible role with conventional and nuclear capability, Northrop Grumman owns a contract with a $9.9 billion ceiling to complete maintenance and modernization on the fleet of 20 stealth bombers, upgrades include upgrades include the Long Range Stand-Off weapon, long range nuclear cruise missiles, like the B-61 Mod 12, and the so-called defensive management system (DMS), to provide pilots with knowledge of the location of enemy anti-aircraft defense posts. Why is this significant? Northrop Grumman originally built off the design of the Horten Ho 229, a late Nazi aircraft design by the Horten brothers, it was the first flying wing to be powered by jet engines and provide stealth from radar, it was the world's first stealth bomber. As a part of Operation Paperclip and Operation Lusty a Horton glider and the Ho-229 number V2 were secured and sent to Northrop Aviation in the United States, the US many other western states who had similar programs scrambled to secure various Nazi scientists and technology before the Russians could get their hands on any. The western leaders in the lead up to the war had pointed their blame at both the Soviet Union and Germany both of whom then signed the Non-Aggression Pact of August 23, 1939, despite the fact a large majority of the Western countries had been complicit in funding the Nazi's. This really shows the beginnings of the tension that started the cold war and is blossoming again today.

How did #Vault7 make its way to Wikileaks? - Posted Feb. 9th, 2017 - Image is found on Soros Open Society website, this may be an allusion to his involvement which after Assange's "blasting" of Soros in his recent AMA, is quite possible. Although this could possibly also relate to Stasi files that are still missing and presumably in the hands of the CIA. There is an interesting connection though in that the Stasi obviously had an obvious healthy working relationship with the KGB who are sometimes alleged to have ties to the rise of Soros and him being supported by various communist parties, but obviously since has had a falling out with his communist roots and now lays in some nether region between capatalism and socialism. The CIA is also known to still be in posession of some of the lost Stasi files that Germany has been trying to get back for a long time seeing as they prefer to keep these open to the public, fair enough after their history, but maybe America has just as dark a role in this as Germany. There is also a story that 18 crates of gold and platinum were dumped by an SS squad on the orders of Hermann Goering and in a lake, in 1986 the Stasi secret police organised dives in a bid to find it then sell it to buy much-needed foreign currency. Supposedly they found nothing. Bild magazine also claimed a secret West German intelligence report dated January 12, 1990, in which the Stasi-controlled East German firm Impag attempted to sell between 50-100 tons of gold (valued at roughly one billion U.S. dollars) stored in West European banks to a Swiss firm roughly two weeks earlier. I really hope this slams USAID too though not just Soros, USAID are essentially the US governments slush fund for regime change and has been used for this across Latin America and Europe and were also on Assange's agenda at his AMA.

One last thing is that there are plenty of conspiracies about the CDC being connected to the OSS/CIA's importing Nazi scientists and doctors under Operation Paperclip, things like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment being a direct result of this or Nazi doctor/scientist's like Eric Traub who is thought to be responsible for the creation of things like Lyme disease. I feel like there is so much more that could go into this but i cbf right now...


Great analysis of the various 'parts' of the message- seems to me as if this si a threat from Wikileaks that if X isn't disclosed that they will disclose X via a data dump. Are you contending that X is the Stasi files? I'm thinking this is a warning that arrests better be made in the pizzagate scandal or other information that the US government doesn't want dumped will be. I believe pizzagate is the first domino that needs to fall in order for other disclosure issues to be revealed. I believe that these many other issues will be revealed as a distraction away from pizzagate investigations/arrests- rather spectacular disclosures actually.

Sorry, but I really do think Pizzagate is just for people that can't handle art/youth and tumblr culture and have extrapolated way too much out of nothing. For me it was just another reason to dislike Abramovic, not just cause she's a lousy artist but because she sucks up to neo-lib douchebags. The only real connection with pedophilia is Epstein which should be investigated more, but has already been known about for a long time. There is some odd cryptic stuff in the e-mails but ultimately i think pizzagate is a distraction from all the parts of the leaks that are important, such as the GMO pushers i mentioned above. However if this is a threat, to extort information out of someone i dont think it would work and i think it would more likely have to do with Gavin MacFadyen's FBI file.

There are ties to far more than epstein...

Pizzagate is not fake. Look up laura silsby and how the clintons hired an ex sex offender to get her off from being punished after being caught trhing to traffic 33 children from Haiti. Epstein is not in any way the only person tied to this. Something tells me you havent looked enough at pizzagate leaks to be the person to claim this.

Interesting info on vault 7 though.

Okay yes thanks, I haven't seen Silsby stuff, this looks interesting. But the majority of stuff i do see, seems to be people whining about weird art shows, which isn't a crime

That right where i suspect the pizzagate players want the discussion to end. They attach it to a pizzaplace that may or may not in any way be connected. Then put a bunch of paid shills out to push that narrative...meanwhile on the surface it looks too crazy for people to even want to look into.

Once u start scratching at the surface...even if u question validity along the way, it becomes harder and harder to deny. Trust me I went into my personal investigations hoping to disprove it. Ive watched "debunkers", but all i see is them pointing to small errors that in no way take away from the real facts of the case...never touching on things like silsby.

As always the question seems to be how deep does it go. I didn't realise how much chatter there was about shills online(got called one on reddit for saying I didn't think 9/11 had anything to do with vault 7), I definetely wouldn't put it pass the DNC or its affiliates. But the rest of the pizzagate stuff is lost on me, because I mean just because lots of catholic priests are pedos doesn't mean that the entire church is for covering for them, it's awful nonetheless but doesn't mean they are that way inclined too. I will keep looking into it though. Thanks for putting me on the right direction on it

Yeh @debtpeon it seems pretty interesting. I am personally wondering (and not as well versed on) whether wikileaks is compromised. Like you said the rabbit hole gets deep.

Great data!

Do you mind if I source this for future work?


For sure. The more information can reach people, the better

Quite. I'm very interested to see how this issue gets resolved.


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