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RE: Introducing the Steem Savior Bot [Parody]

in #vapenation7 years ago (edited)

Hey @acidyo, @flatearthnation needs our support:

They are proposing planting trees right up to the very edge of the planet so the leaves can reach into outer-space....every 100% upvote will count towards this effort...they estimated that it will take many millions of Steem to plant even on water....and yes, only they can do this with the help of their 20 million devout elite specialist (all guaranteed right-handed and suitable for circle jerking) hand picked from the 3.617,526,382 Billion followers.

They are also helping cultivate oceans of shill minnow all naturally and organically by steem user generation farming, so they can use them feed the hungry and endangered spermless whale called @flatearthwhale with useless and substance-less arguments of support and random often repeated copy and paste statements, that no one will think twice that it’s the same guy with the password to 30 steem accounts.

And also how can you forget about their efforts to promote unending peace and self-prosperity by hogging @endlessUpVoteBOTS because they are enlighted and the @flatearthuniverse have chosen and spoken to them that they shall be the one to use 90% of all existing self-upvotes-bots to promote their spiritual and holy cause....of course every minnow who are left out should just follow & upvote them and feel the powerful and holy trail of their exhaust farts of blessings by 0.01 upvote thank you to their clueless comments.

Don't be blasphemous….this is serious shit.

Steemit: Don't Fuck With US....Cause our Collective Wisdom Don't Put Up With Shit


Up-Voted Because I'm Partial to a Perfectly Pompus Prissy Parody :)

you rock (and sway side2side) @acidyo!

I think you forgot to switch to your alt account. me it's not mine....a month ago, I didn' t even know that Steemit exist.

it's some random bot that just upvotes for a ton of folks.

Some person name @biophil did this



Ah, thought since you replied to your own comment, lol.

Nah...just a bad habit I form during my first few days here not know how to edit.

Now it's stuck....and I can't seem to shake it....confusing as fcuk isn't it? :P

Steemit: Brings out the Bad in my Habit

Hope my original replies add value to a good post or at least supports OP or OR with shits and grins :)

Here's the dude:

doesn't look like he's hiding anything, omg...there is good folks here on steemit who just wants to encourage others with bots....who would have guessed.