Down again

Well its been a long time since my last post and still having issues. This time its the rotors ive change one, but not the other as i dont have money for a second one which cost $120 as we have already gotten one new one and come to find out they both need to be replaced at the same time.
Im sitting here stuck and dont know what to do. Im not a mechanic and like i said dont have another $120 just laying around. I did call one of those back yard mechanics and he said it would be $60 just for him to come to me and that is not something I can afford at this time. We are just trying to get it road worthy so we can get back to traveling and i can get back to what i do.
I have not been able to work do to all the issues we have been having with this vehicle. The brakes have been done twice already since we got this thing and we just recently changed the oil not to mention the spark plugs we could get at cause not all of them are done as one is stuck and we cant get to the other one due to everything thats in the way. And now with him wildly throwing stuff im affraid one or both of my dogs are going to get hurt as they are very scared and im affraid they will get out and get hit by a car if they get to scared. Its exactly what happened when i lost my little wicket a couple of years ago. And i dont want a repeat of that as i would be totally devastated if i lost my two girls they are my life.
Well i guess i will just sleep in this spot for the night as i really dont need supplies cause i already have enough to get me through the night, but i am in need of some serious help to get this thing running right again.