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RE: Conditioning the Masses for a Political Savior

Yes, Trump is the smokescreen. And everyone is so tied up in what he is saying, and what he is not saying, while the rest of the world just gets on with it.

The real risk is that he will be re-elected. Then America won't be great again. America won't be free or the home of the brave.

America will be irrelevant. the rest of the world will tire of the show and move on. all credibility will be lost, all desire to engage with a society that can't even elect a good government.

Others will rise in America's place. China is poised, Russia could step up, the UK finally free of Europe could also take the lead.

To the masses so glued to the smart phones and laptops that they can't see their own houses burning down around them, nothing will change, nothing will matter, as long as they have cat memes they won't care one jot.