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RE: Conditioning the Masses for a Political Savior

in #vampiresquid7 years ago

In truth, I think most of us are sheep out of simple ignorance of the knowledge that the likes of yourself have about the world. Of those sheep, I still feel that even with that knowledge, most would choose to stay or go back in to the matrix. Some would choose Zion, for sure. But those like you and me who know the world is not what it appears, why do we not stand up? There's a reason for that, many reasons in fact but one in particular. Because we love our families and those of us who truly know the truth, know that the real truth is you can only put your head up so far and raise your voice so much. When you cross that line and bring unwanted attention to an area that really is off limits, you know that the potential is there for harm to come to not yourself but someone you care for. This thought, whether conscious or subconscious, is enough to quiet the voice of most who desire change in the world, I think.

The way I see it, if I was a single man, with no family, I would look at things from one point of view. As a married man I would have to consider not only my wife's thoughts, feelings and safety when making my decision and as a married man with children, I would have to again consider my position and choices with the thought of my children's safety also.

Not sure if I've explained that as best as I could have but it's something I've been thinking about writing about for a while so maybe when I do I'll be able to explain it better. :)

I write a lot about personal responsibility myself so it's nice to see others doing the same, though it often feels like a losing battle. If you can't make people see the obvious in that all presidents are selected for a reason by those who stand to profit from that reason, it shows what a difficult job you have of convincing them of the less obvious truths. :(

Cheers mate.