Lady Siberia

in #vampire7 years ago

Every Vampire has a beginning, where we came from, who we were before. I was young and naive, not at all who I am now. I have seen many things in my time. The rise and fall of great empires, wars, assassinations, murders, marriages and even "birth". Yes my dear reader, I have children. No one will openly admit that it happened, but I gave "birth" to twins. But I should not move so quickly.The Eastern Siberian city of Bratsk, a peaceful place to grow up, the eldest of 3 children. My father was a writer and mom was a teacher of music and art In the summer of 1852. I was 18, and of marriage age. All of the prominent young men were in the Army, and the prospect of marrying what was left made my father very upset. He and my mom decided that I should go to St Petersburg to be further educated in the Arts.As I prepared for my journey in to the outside world, I wondered how my family would fare without me, my younger sister and brother were too young to go to work and Father was getting older, mother was slowly losing her sight. I promised myself that somehow I would make sure that they were taken care of. Father took me in the carriage to the city . I was enrolled at the St. Petersburg school of music and Arts.The work was rigorous, daily music drills, art classes and then at night classes for deportment" (how a lady would act in the presence of a gentleman) We gave public performances for the people of St Petersburg during the day and private performances for the Russian Upper Class at night. It was later in the Winter of 1852 that I was given the "privilege" of performing for members of the Czar's court.I do not brag my dear friend, but I aced my classes and my instructors were so impressed with my voice, that one very dark cold night I was driven in a carriage to a private residence where I was told I would be giving another private performance. I was given a beautiful gown to wear, my hair was styled in the latest fashion, and I was brought into a great hall. I was performing for the czar. Nicholas I and his wife Alexandra, and several of their friends. I was extremely nervous to say the least, but when I looked into His eyes I was immediately calm and serene. I sang several songs and was given a standing ovation.Nicholas and Alexandra immediately demanded that I be brought to the Winter Palace, where I could be available to entertain at a moment’s notice, and who in their right mind dares say no to the Czar? Not I! I was immediately taken to the Palace, my meager belongings were brought for me. The massive gates were opened and the carriage driven in. The Grand entrance Hall was so huge that I felt like a tiny little ant in the doorway. I walked for what seemed like miles to the Grand staircase that led to the private living chambers. Climbing the staircase I looked over the rail to see many servants scurrying about their business, all in the service of the Czar and his family for years. Here I stand, completely awestruck by the opulence and grandeur when all of a sudden He was standing next to me. "You intrigue me young one, I will being watching you."I stood there in awe, totally dumbfounded. Then in an instant He was gone. I entered my private chamber, the very first I had ever had. The chamber door was ornately decorated in the Baroque style, it opened into a suite of rooms that were fir for a king, I thought to myself this must be His rooms, surely this is not for me. As I slowly stepped into the first room, a fire blazed to life in the fireplace, warming me through and through. The furniture was both grand and opulent. I explored each room, moving like a quiet church mouse, each was grander then the last. The largest and by far the grandest room was to be my bed chamber, with its private bath. In my private suite of rooms, I stood breathless. The king sized four posted canopy bed was lined with deep burgundy drapes ,the sheets were satin and covered with thick down comforters. I climbed onto the small steps to get onto the bed, I laid on the bed for what seemed like forever, so soft and comfortable! I must be dreaming. A knock on the door brought me back to my senses, I slid off the bed, and moved swiftly to answer. I was greeted by Anna (private maid), she curtsied to me, and asked me if I was ready to dress for the evening. "I have nothing to wear Anna", I simply stated. "Yes mam, in the closets, come I will help you." Anna quickly and silently moved to the closet in the dressing area, she threw open the doors to display many splendid gowns for all occasions. "Tonight you will dine with the Czar, you will wear this gown, it is His command" as she brought to me a midnight blue velvet gown with gold brocade and matching shoes inlaid with mother of pearl buttons. My breathe was completely taken away, never in my life had I laid eyes on such a beautiful gown, let alone be told that I was to wear it. Anna quickly helped me remove my old dress and set me to bathe in a hot bathe with scented bubbles. After she dried me, she anointed my body with lavender oil and dressed me, she was quick and efficient in her duties. She did my hair in a uplifted style and pinned in in placed with several jeweled combs. She then went to the dresser and came back with a black velvet box that contained a necklace," He commands that you were this from now on" Anna whispered as she placed it on my neck.Now I was completely dressed in my new finery, Anna opened the closet and I looked in the hidden mirror. I wondered why the mirror was in the closet, but hey this was not my house. In the mirror stood a stranger to me, I had nice things growing up, but nothing like this. Now the Winter palace had 1500 rooms and 117 staircases, it would terrifying to get lost in here. But as I left my suite of rooms, I sensed that I was moving in the right direction. I entered the small Throne room and deeply curtsied before the Czar. Nicholas stood and strode to meet me at the base of the stairs. "come my young one, I have many plans for you." "Yes, your Highness, I am here to serve you , do with me as you will." "there is no need to tremble in fear my dear, you will be one of the high courtesans, you will indulge me in music, art, and reading." So it went, winter turned to spring. Daily life in the Court of Czar Nicholas moved on. When I was not with Nicholas, I was in the Hermitage (the Czars private art collection), the Great Library reading, or the music room learning new music . As much of my time with Nicholas was late at night after dinner parties for visiting dignitaries (military or nobility). I more often then not slept most of the day, not awakening til late in the afternoon. The heavy dark drapes kept the sunlight out of my room. I would walk in the gardens to catch the last rays of sun before dressing for dinner. Each night I would go to Him, I often wondered why the Tsaritza Alxeandra allowed this, but who questions the Czar? I may have had His ear, but She had His heart.Servants moved quickly and quietly performing their assigned duties to perfection. Mistakes were simply not tolerated., I learned this quite quickly when a young maid accidentally placed a visitor's clothing too close to the warming iron, scorching the cape ever so slightly. I never caught her name but she was "gone". I only thought of this because she reminded me of my sister.The spring passed to summer and Nicholas was distracted with the ongoing war in the Crimera. More and more He would summon me to sing for him, We would walk in the gardens under the stars, the moon light cast a serene glow on a far from serene Nicholas. "Suzanna, you help me through rough times, please know that you are very speicial to me." deep in my heart, I yearned to tell Him how He made me feel yet that was Forbidden, never to be. He was the Czar, I was only a Courtesan. September of 1853 was to be a turning point for more then the Russian Army in the Crimera. My life was changed for all time. The mood at the Winter Palace was dark and somber. The Tsaritza did not summon the Court to dinner, she dined alone with her son Alexander. Sweet quiet child, so handsome like his father. I was dressed in my favorite midnight blue velvet gown and was adjusting my hair combs when He strode into my suite. "what have I done?" I trembled with fear, the Czar never came to me, I was summoned to Him. "Sing! Suzanna, Sing to me! His face was torn with rage and sadness. I had never seen Him like this. Not in control of His emotions. "We lost the most important battle at Alma in the Crimea. Do you know what this means?" Nicholas was in a Rage. I tried to find my voice but it was weak, I was weak with fear.All at once He was holding me, harder then He had ever held me before. His face changed, His smile pure Evil, for the very briefest moment I glimpsed something I had seen before, never mind imaginable, Fangs! That moment, everything changed. He feasted on my blood, I felt the darkness overtaking me, I was slipping further away. I don't know why He stopped, maybe just maybe His mind regained control. I will never know. Moments from death, He gently picked me up and put me on the bed. "Alexandra, Alexander come Now!" was what I was able to make out. Voices both loud and soft, angry and concerned. "I can't believe you lost control Nicholas!" Alexandra seemed at her wits end, "they'll find out, our secret will be revealed. "Calm yourself Alexandra, our secret will be safe, we will not be found out."We will do what must be done, she is far gone, we must act quickly. He pulled out his gold dagger and sliced open His and Alexandra's palms, and together they let Their blood drip into my mouth, as Alexander held my head. Pain? Pure Ecstasy? An unimaginable mixture of both? I am dying, but yet my heat beats. Faster, faster, its about to burst. I am flying through time, I see my Father, mother, sister and brother. But everything is changed, it's all horribly wrong. Flashes of His past, Her past, Their past, the present and the future. It was so much so quick, pain is pleasure:pleasure is pain. When is this nightmare going to end? Fire in my veins, flooding my body, the pain the agony, it just increases there is no mercy from this torment.. please...if their is a god let me die now. Suddenly the torture stops...theirs nothing...nothing but silence and cool soothing darkness that slowly enveloped me... "Open your eyes My childe." His voice was once again gentle, peaceful. How much time had past? Heat upon heat upon heat, fire coursed through my veins,yet I was strong, agile, mentally sharp. I opened my eyes, wow! talk about visual acuity. "Your Highness a maid missed a button on your bodice." I could hardly even thought to have spoken these words, never mind even noticed it just days earlier. "It will be dealt with my childe, have no fear." Alexandra's voice was almost musical. They never left me in those first days. My questions were answered, my insatiable hunger fed by blood slaves. My life was forever changed both mentally and physically. I was a vampire made by two Bloodlines. Russian Romanov blood and European Hesse blood. Never spoken aloud, only passed as stories to frighten the children, Vampires existed , and even scarier was that They ruled.Nicholas took me by the hand, moving effortlessly I asked Him"how can this be?" "I am so sorry my dear, I lost control, and in my rage I bit you. But being unable to bear the thought of losing you Alexandra and I broke the Ancient law and turned you.""You are now a Romanov by Blood,but because you were turned by two different bloods (bloodlines), you are different. Your powers/abilities,strengths/weaknesses will be unique." "As you can see the Vampire trait is passed via the Mother, a vampire child is "born" as it is known to mortals." Alexander stood beside his Father smiling, his tiny fangs glistening in the firelight. "You may carry this trait now, but only time will tell. When you meet your soul-mate and consummate that love,maybe you will know the joys of "Motherhood"."Despite the changes, I never felt more at home here. But in the eyes of the Court, outside visitors and servants I was only a Courtesan, not part of the Family. So changes to my status were announced by the Czar. I was now Lady Siberia, Lady in waiting to the Tzaritza and her son. I had a hard time in the beginning learning to control my fangs and the “Hunger”. You think a mortal female is a bitch 5 days a month, try dealing with a new fledgling vampire trying to contain the “Hunger” daily while in public. I was introduced to the ways of vampire life in the Palace, with over 1500 rooms and whatnot to take care of, there was always a constant influx of new servants (blood slaves), some “retire” some “given their release” and others “just leave”, food was never in short supply. The rules were strictly adhered to never take too much, Never touch any visiting dignitary, and always glamour afterward to erase any potential memories. Time passes quickly to immortals, it was now 1855, and Nicholas left to visit his troops still fighting in the Crimea. The night He returned by carriage, He went directly to His room. I was in the gardens when I heard Alexandra screaming. I flew to Her side in the doorway of Nicholas’ room, a place I had never been before, to see the most horrific sight. Nicholas was dead, a large silver cross through His heart. Alexandra was distraught “how can this be? We have been found out!” Slayer! A slayer had worked his way into the Palace. Alexander II moved toward the door, “Lady I need you to help me now. Sing for the slayer, charm him, and make him show himself.” One of my powers is Ethereal Song (I can charm/control/and/or kill with a song) My song drifted out of Nicholas’ room, through the halls and rooms of the Palace, until I found the one I sought, the bastard who killed my Beloved Nicholas. “Come to me Slayer, come to your reward.” Slowly, trying to overcome the seduction of my song, the man walked haltingly into the room. The slayer stood helplessly before me, anger flashing in his eyes, watched as the young Alexander drew the golden dagger from his dead father’s body and turned to look at him. “You think this is how I will kill you? You are a pathetic piece of shit, your blood will not stain my blade, you will burn in the fires of Hell.” Alexander unleashed his Telekenetic Rage upon the stunned slayer, reducing him to ash slowly and painfully. My young Alexander was a force to be reckoned with.“Calm yourself Mother!” Alexander took the throne confident and proud. “Lady Siberia please calm Her with a song,” I softly sag a soothing lullaby and Alexandra was calmly asleep. Alexander II not only insured my continued service to the Family, but my education the arts of fighting and survival. I was responsible for the children; I must be able to protect them at all costs. I learned sword skills, the deadly art of the dagger, I could wield a crossbow, and battle axe better than any Russian soldier. Survival was of utmost importance.Alexander II grew in strength and wisdom. His powers were nearly as strong as His father’s were. He married and His children became mine to watch over. As I grew in my knowledge and abilities, I started to move more freely outside the safety of the Palace. I travelled, moving at first from city to city, then country to country, never staying in one place for long. I learned about different cultures and vampires. How they lived , fed , and survived among the mortals. Yet I always returned home to the Family. One night while I was away, my beloved Alexander was caught unaware and killed by a skilled Slayer, who fortunately for himself escaped. Now Slayers had breached the security of the Palace twice. For the safety of the new Czar Alexander III and His Family, we moved to the smaller and more secluded Palace of Gatchina, it was surrounded by high walls, a deep slimy moat, and deep dark forests. I had a bad feeling about these forests, they were good for hunting, but they also provided a superior hiding place for slayers and or lycans.Now you know there is no love lost between vampires and lycans, but Alexander III loved to go out and hunt them. Lycans seeking revenge tried to attack one night while I was in the garden. Rustling bushes caught my very sensitive ears. I put down the book I was reading, drew the silver dagger from my bodice, and leapt to the high branch of a tree. From this vantage point I saw the wolf. This was not going to be easy, the wolf was older, not he Alpha, but probably a wolf of high rank and respect. I had to protect young Nicholas II at all costs. The wolf moved adeptly through the hedges and into the garden. “Leave now Lycan!” I commanded using telepathy. His reply was simply a sinister growl. He bounded toward the tree and leapt up to attack. His sharp claws catching my leg as I leapt over to the high wall. “you will pay for that you mangy dog.” Flying from the wall to the door, I pushed inside, scanning quickly for a weapon, I grabbed a battle axe from one of the armored statues. He crept inside low and slow, sniffing the air, seeking “the young blood”, my precious Nicholas (II). “Over my dead body” I screamed. It was a scream like never heard before (Sonic scream), The wolf howled in agony, blood streaming from his ears. He made a half hearted attempt leap toward me, as I deftly danced out of the way, I brought the axe down squarely between his glowing green eyes, splitting his skull and brains across the marble floor. Alexander III continued his hunts despite the most grievous intrusion upon Gatchine. He grew bolder, but became less vigilant. On a night hunt deep in the forest, the Alpha set loose the full pack upon the hunting party. One lone gravely injured soldier returned to the Palace. Alexei was barely able to finish the dreadful tale before he died-“The Czar died in a fierce battle with the Alpha, but distracted by the size of the full pack, the Alpha was able to kill him by ripping out his throat.” My blood burned with hatred for lycans as never before. Lycans and Slayers have taken my Beloved, Revenge will be mine. Nicholas II now took the throne, He too took a German bride (from the line of Hesse) and so began His reign. Nicholas and Aleandra have Their children and we returned to the Winter Palace. How was I to protect Olga, Tatiana, Marie, Anastasia, and young Alexai? We all knew the Palace had been breached, but Nicholas said”It is better now, we will be fine.” But with the outbreak of WW I all security measures were increased and the Family soon moved to the Alexander Palace with its massive walls and gardens. I always worried about lycans and slayers, but now a warlock. Rasputin quickly bewitched the Tsaritza Alexandra, causing her to lose Her focus and make poor decisions. Nicholas II was distracted by the war. Mistakes were made and we were all moving further into danger. Politics changed and the people no longer respected the Czar. Major revolts were occurring more and more frequently. In the seclusion of the Alexander Palace gardens I sat reading to the children. A new group of prisoners were being led in to become blood slaves. They had been glamoured but there was one who seemed to be fighting the affect. This one is strong I thought, maybe a new toy to play with? I motioned the guard to bring him to me. “come here “ I sang to him. He was strong, he was able to somewhat over come my Voice. No one was ever able to do that before. Here before me stood this ruggedly handsome man. A Polish prisoner of war. “what is your name?” I asked him, I don’t know if he was ignoring me or just completely overwhelmed? He just stared at me, there was something in his eyes, something that made him different than the others. I needed to find out more. “this one is mine, let no harm come to him.”I was amazed at his inner strength. Yet if he was to be a blood slave, he must be cared for, fit to be of the House. I had Anna draw up a hot bath. “Come bathe, make yourself comfortable, I will not harm you.” “I know that you will not, but why are you being so kind to me Lady?” “I don’t know myself, just am having feelings that I have never experienced before.” He removed his torn and tattered uniform. Revealing a striking body, yet my eyes were drawn to the deep scar on his back. Looking at me while he moved toward the tub, “you seem to like what you see Lady.” He slid into the hot bath, moving with a disturbingly animal like grace, keeping a watchful eye. “I could use a bit of help , if you would Lady>” I picked up a soft cloth and applied scented soap, as I washed his back, again my eyes were drawn to that scar. “You seek the origin of that scar?” “Yes” I breathed. “One night in the forests of Poland I was jumped by a wolf, I lost a good horse and a good piece of skin in that fight.” As I cleaned the rest of his back and body, my response was so deep, so sudden, so intense it stole my breath away. I could not speak, I could not speak. I just looked into his eyes deep, dark and mysterious, yet I was not afraid. He touched my cheek softly ”If I am to die, I would want it to be you.” Why did this man make me feel this way? He reached over and held my hand, my heart beating so rapidly, I forgot myself, I leaned over and kissed him. He did not pull away, he drew me closer and returned my kiss with a fiery passion. I knew at that moment was forever destined to be with him.“Now will you tell me your name?” I asked breathlessly. “Stephen.” He said as he slowly dried off. “Who are you?” “I just told you, I am Stephen>” “You certainly are mysterious.” “Nothing mysterious here, just me.”I cannot describe to you in a few words how deeply passionate our love for each other became. We were together everyday even with my responsibilities to the Family, Stephen was always near by. My young ladies Olga, Tatiana, Marie, and Anastasia were always telling me “Go to him, you are meant to for each other. He is your soul mate.” Could this be true? Nicholas told me that this could happen. What Anastasia said to Stephen, I do not know, but he must have felt the same.Stephen came to me in the Gardens, he knelt down on one knee and he proposed to me. “I give you this as my betrothal gift”-a silver dagger with his family’s coat of arms. “I would marry you, but I must seek permission from the Czar.” I immediately sought out Alexandra. In Her chamber, I explained or tried to explain-“Hush childe as She touched my hand-you have found true love. It does not come more than once-take hold of it and never let go.” “Your Highness, Stephen seeks my hand in marriage-he gave me this as a gift.” I showed Her the dagger, She recognized it at once- the coat of arms. “This will not sit well with Nicholas>” This coat of arms belongs to a very old family from Polish nobility, I t was rumored that the last Grand Arch Duke was a slayer, He was killed by a ruthless coven said to have been allied with a Dark Elder.” “I must speak with this man now.” I flew to my chamber and immediately brought Stephen before Her. I knew deep in my heart that he was not disloyal. Alexandra closed Her eyes, touching his heart, looking deep within. When She opened Her eyes, they blazed a bright blue. “This man born in poverty in the forests of Poland, comes from Royal Blood-the lineage of Sadowsky. A soldier always fierce and loyal, he is no slayer.” She closed Her eyes and said”You have My Blessing childe. I will speak with Nicholas, He will not be pleased, but you deserve every chance to be happy with this man.” “Nicholas will be very angry it is true, but I will do what I can to calm Him. Know that He loves you very much and will show you no violence.” I bowed deeply and turned to Stephen “come my love, let’s go back to my chambers”> In the darkness of my chambers I waited in Stephen ‘s loving embrace for the outcome of Their discussion.Even though He raged for what seemed like forever, Nicholas finally Blessed our union. Despite the dark rumblings outside the Palace walls, we were to be married. Little did I know what a wonderful wedding gift my “children” (the Romanov girls) had in store for me. After Nicholas and Alexandra gave Their Blessing, Nicholas took Stephen aside for “the talk” (fatherly advice) Stephen looked directly at Nicholas and said”I love Suzannah, I would die for her.”While I was in the Gardens, Anastasia called Stephen to walk with Her. Olga, Tatiana, and Marie kept me distracted with endless questions about the wedding. But in a instant I knew that something was wrong, I flew to my chambers to find Stephen lying on the bed, his eyes closed, fresh blood on his lips and neck. Tiny puncture marks soon closed after Anastasia kissed them. She climbed down off my bed, licking the wound on her little wrist, the closure complete without a scar. “Your wedding gift my Lady.” Anastasia smiled as She glided past me and sat down to watch the upcoming events. I climbed onto the bed and held Stephen tightly. The pain and torture of his “turning” he didn’t share. (that is his story) No sleep, no feeding, only constant vigil with my Anastasia. “Why?” I wanted to ask, but did not have to, “I give you Lady Siberia your immortal love Count StephenJohn, you have given your unconditional love and devotion to generations of the Royal Family, this gift I give to you.” “He will be with you when We cannot.” Anastasia spoke with a deep foreboding in her voice. I held him, soothed him, and whispered my devotion in his ear. Exhaustion finally overtook me, dark dreams invaded my slumber. Screaming and yelling, fighting, chaos then a sudden death like silence followed by babies crying. As if struck by lightning I sat bolt upright on the bed, from the chair by the fireplace Stephen whispered “I love you for all eternity.” My Stephen was immortal, strong and handsome forever.Our wedding took place in the Palace Gardens under the stars. When the Priest asked ”Who gives this woman?” Nicholas stood with Alexandra and said “we give Suzanna to be married to StephenJohn.”After we exchanged rings and received our Blessing, Stephen embraced me and kissed me with deep passion, and I happily returned that passion. I was complete now. I had found my soul mate, he was a vampire, and we would be together always.Even though times were dark and rough for the Family, Nicholas and Alexandra gave Stephen and I a most glorious gift, an extended honeymoon traveling the European continent. When we reached our first destination, Stephen carried me over the threshold to the Bridal bed, I must confess my friends, I entered that chamber a maiden and exited many days and nights later truly a woman. He was a soldier experienced in more things than just warfare. We travelled city to city, country to country, learning more about each other and the world. When we returned to St Petersburg we found many changes. The Palace was now a hospital for soldiers returning from the war and the Royal Family was in exile at the Alexander Palace. The people who had adored the Czar and his Family for generations were now under the control of an unholy alliance of lycans, slayers, and rival vampires.We just managed to get to the Alexander Palace just before sunrise. We found the Royal Family under house arrest. Revolution was sweeping Russia. I t was during one of my visits with Alexandra that I found out. Alexandra took me by the hand, and gently laid her bejeweled hand on my abdomen and closed Her eyes. “Oh my precious darling! There is yet hope!” “What are you talking about? There is no hope, we are all going to die here.” I cried. “No my darling, We are going to die, but you, Stephen, and the babies will survive I assure you.” Alexandra was absolutely joyful in this dismal place. “You have the trait-you are going to “birth” a male and female childe.” We knew you would be different, but We did not foresee this.”I was carrying twins, a boy and a girl. How can you be happy and sorrowful at the same time?Alexandra and Nicholas made special arrangements with a few remaining loyal friends for Stephen and I to be taken from the Palace to safety. We were to leave the night of April 27, 1918. During the last “party” with the children, Anastasia brought me a gift, a snow white Lynx- a guide/protector for you and the babies. Alexai, though still young and inexperienced brought forth a key to unlock a heavy door to reveal a Hellhound for Stephen. “let this be our final gift to you my children-know of Our eternal love for you-Go now and be safe.” Our long journey back to Siberia lasted for many weeks. In the darkness of our coffin we slept, inside of me the babies grew. Arriving in my hometown, our carriage rumbled to a stop in front of my former childhood home. My loyal blood slave Natalia stayed with me while Anna went with the Royal Family. Natalia woke me. Even in the dark of night I could see what war had done. It was utterly decimated, almost devoid of life. We stayed in the deserted house for a while, Natalia bringing me food (the occasional German soldier) and Stephen hunted and watched. Yet the Hunger was becoming insatiable. Food was becoming scarce, so we moved westward. The summer of 1918 was to bring even more sorrow for me. Not only was I isolated in the Siberian wilderness carrying twins, dealing with a blood hunger that never ended, but my beloved Family was murdered by slayers and lycans disguised as soldiers. The story told to the people was that the Romanovs were executed by firing squad. But we knew the truth, the bodies that were removed were of the few remaining loyal blood slaves, including my Anna. The truth in fact was the entire Royal family were utterly destroyed , their bodies turned to ash when they were exposed to the sun.I wished with all of my heart that Alexandra had been able to tell me what to expect, what to do, She had been through this 5 or more times. But Natalia was a good and loyal woman. I n her bag was everything I would need, and imprinted in her mind was what was needed to be done.Now approaching the seventh moon of my pregnancy, my belly swollen with my growing children, Stepehn returned from hunting, brining a fresh supply of foods and blood. He was exhausted , yet he paced, watching, ever vigilant. I knew that something was wrong. But what? Just then a gentle late summer breeze picked up, I immediately picked up the scent-Lycans!. Not that I could move very quickly, but my blade was ever present. “I’ll kill anyone or anything to protect my babies!” The lycans and slayers had somehow found out that we survived. We were now the hunted. How hard was it to hunt a pair of vampires-one just a “fledgling” and the other pregnant? No one knew exactly what Stephen’s abilities/powers were. He was still finding out for himself. But I can tell just from experience-you don’t want to piss him off. I think tha the iinherited the Romanov temper. Again we moved further west. Natalia, ever faithful, grew more frail. Hermione (Lynx) and Boris (Hellhound) ever present. In a cave, deep in the Sayan mountains, near Lake Baikal, we sought refuge for what was to be Natalia’s final journey and the “birth” of my babies.Stephen and Natalia helped me into the cave, bringing the bag and blankets for me to rest on. In the deep recesses of the cave Stephen found a deep crevasse of water. A small kerosene lamp for light, Natalia prepared the herbal tea that would “help “ me transition during the “birth”. At the apex of the full moon, the “birth” began. Excruciating waves of pain swept across my swollen belly, Agony was not a strong enough word to describe it, were my babies clawing their way out? I know that vampires can deal with pain, but this pain was known only to a few females. The tea made me sleepy. Natalia opened the bag and took out a bundle. I t contained what she needed to bring my babies into the world. Darkness surrounded me-blurred movements and sounds- a searing pain and then the wailing of new baby vampires, those are my memories of the “birth”. When the moon faded to sun, in the deep darkness of the cave, Stephen and I each held a baby. My boy was Stephen and my girl was Brittaney. (later to be known as Count Chaine and Lady Juliette Adriel). Over the next moon cycle, the babies grew stronger, (the fresh blood brought in by Hermione, Boris or Stephen) yet Natalia grew weaker.” I have fulfilled my duties my Lady, my blood oath fulfilled.” We buried Natalia deep in the cave, where we knew no one could desecrate her body. The moon cycle moved toward the full moon, I felt strong enough to leave the cave, leaving the babies asleep , nestled in the warm fur of Hermione (who we just found out was carrying her own babies) and Boris guarding the entrance. I took this brief break to get some fresh air and hunt. I needed to re-hone my skills. I had a precious treasure to protect-my babies. Fresh bear blood, delicious! I licked my fangs lightly, A savage growl from Boris brought me back to my senses, Danger!, out here in the mountains. How?Spreading my wings, up through the treetops I soared. Looking down I saw them. Slayers, and by the smell of them Damphires, on horseback. How did they find us? Telepathically I called to Stephen, “Prepare to fight.” We would fight them out here, awa y from the cave. Stephen flew like lightening into the forest, dodging trees, seeking the slayers.From my vantage high vantage point I was able to track them. Whispering to the horses, I sent them at full gallop directly into Stephen’s path. Fully armed and dangerous, these Damphires were hell bent on regaining control of their horses. “Stop!” I whispered to the horses- Dead stop, throwing the slayers high into the air, landing hard on the rocky ground. Quick as a flash they were up and in guarded stances, looking/searching . Swift as quick silver Stephen was on one, slamming him hard into a tree. Blade to his throat “Who sent you? Why do you seek death here? He seethed through gritted teeth. Hovering just above the tree line, I watched my Mate slash the Damphire to ribbons, while I maintained the remaining one in a trance. “Tell me how you were able to find us, I will not harm you.” This damphire was strong willed, but no one could resist my charms for long (my charms are Ethereal) . “Krystyna paid us to hunt and kill you and your accursed offspring.” “Who is this Krystyna?” “She is a powerful witch from Western Russia.” “Why does this witch want us destroyed?” “Krystyna has sworn vengeance on the Romanov family for the death of her father Rasputin.” “We had nothing to do with what happened to him.” “Krystyna has sworn blood vengeance against all-including descendents.” “She is as crazy as her wretched father, but no one dares refuse her.” In barely as whisper, he continued “She has used Blood Magic to find you, but it has only driven her further into her insanity.” “Blood Magic! That is forbidden-only used by the Elders.” Stephen finished his destruction of the other damphire, having wiped the blood from his blade, flew to my side. “We are in danger here. Together we are lost. We must separate to protect and hide the children.” Stephen was not at all happy about this, he was absolutely furious. “You would let a witch destroy our family?” “No my darling, I would have our family, our beloved children safe and protected from this witch, while we can figure out how to find and destroy her.” I looked into his eyes and saw utter desolation, “I am nothing without you my Love.” “I too am lost, but for the children I will do anything, ANYTHING!” “You, damphire, give me your blade.” He complied, handing over his sword to me. I sliced my palm, smearing the blade’s length with my blood. “Take this to Krystyna, tell her that you have killed the Romanov woman and her unborn offspring.” “After that, you can die, your heart will simply stop beating, now go and go fast.” He took the blood stained sword from me, nodded and climbed back on his horse. Whispering to the horse, “Take him straight back to Krystyna, fast as you can.” The horse whinnied and bolted straight away. Stephen took my hand and lightly licked the wound, closure was immediate. We flew back to the cave, finding the children still sound asleep in Hermione’s fur, I sat, exhausted from the past few hours, I drifted off into a fitful sleep. Vivid pictures flashed before me, the Pyramids, the Ocean, voices chanting in foreign tongues, yet I felt at peace . I was being guided, shown how to protect my children


Hi, I really enjoyed your message though I fear it came to me by accident which is fine. I play a vampire in it is a sister site of hyperchat or soi@soi Perhaps you'll stop by sometime.