Someone Is Always Looking For What You Have To Offer
This is a very interesting topic and a bit passionate for many as well. We all want to live a happy life with ourselves and maybe with someone too. We all have really good things we have built over time and they deserve to be appreciated by anyone that really wants your heart. Like i always say, no one is perfect and anyone will find weaknesses in you as well. Nothing surprising for my point of view.
I believe the bottom line is to value yourself the best you can because believe or not, you do have a lot to offer if you have a big heart for anyone. You can be a humble person and you do not show off what you have to offer, but never forget who you are and how valuable you are for many. Just the fact you are following these type of posts makes you valuable for me.
Timing to find that person to value you is usually not when you want it (I may be wrong). In many cases, you have to go with the flow to find out what the world and the universe has to offer you along the way. The ones you think they have it all, really may not have a lot, and the ones you least expect have so much.
If you already have that person that appreciates you, just do your best to keep everything alive everyday. Water that plant very often to keep it alive and never let it die.
You have in you a lot offer, be brave and humble and the universe will do the rest.
Many blessings to of you my friends.
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"
Stay blessed.
Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.
You are right @javybar love is most important but any one is more important who offer you and who take care of your self . My wief is appriciate with me I enjoying my life with my family which I want to care of them
Good you have a family that can be there for you at any moment. If you feel happy, your are far ahead of many. Congrats :)
Well said, be Polite and kind hearted with other without losing your respect. One day you will find the person exactly that is your real follower and admirer. Keep your admirer happy. Thanks for sharing @javybar
Totally agree with you my friend :)
That's fantastic article to reading and following. We have big offer to find succeed and need to less our wrong suggestions. Be brave and humble. Humble is most valuable content. Thanks you for sharing @javybar. Stay blessed.
That's exactly the main message of the content my friend, thank you the support and contribution :)
The words that have very profound meaning. I really agree with you @javybar. a person will increase his or her glory if you have a humble nature of appreciating others. cherish others if we want to be respected.
You definitely got the message my friend, It is an honor to provide this type of content, thank you :)
I completely agree with you, my friend, all to be in ourselves and we must find the best that we can lay out to people and ourselves. I am sure that there will be a person in the world who will appreciate us and that person, we can give the best that is in us! Thank you @javybar
Of course! we have 7 billion people in this planet, there is always someone out there compatible with you. We just have to go with the flow and act to have the universe is offering. Thank you for your contribution.
Be happy when we find people who accept all the advantages and disadvantages that we have. And we must also be grateful and able to accept the advantages and disadvantages of our spouse.
No one is perfect, but we must keep trying to be perfect, at least perfect for ourselves and our partner.
Loved it! Very true, thank you.
I agree ,if both persons meet they will live happily forever thatbis why it is said search for the person who is in need for the same...
that's called looking for compatibility my friend. Thank you very much :)
Yeah dear very perfect choice..if you happy your life with ourselves and maybe with someone too.a person good live her life if he live doing want with other person and he said doing other person why is need for the same position.obviously great word useing in your blog.absolutely super dear.. I like your thought... .its really perfect opinion of your best tropic dear ... your thought always perfect dear..i appreciate your giving always right time right thing gift for every steemians..its helped me my work improved doing in my steemit platform.. my needs your helped for my dream success in the future..i wish your best of luck and take care yourself dear... every dream being successs for your help.i want always your support..its my future dream..dear.. @javybar very well done
I appreciate it my friend, keep up the good work :)
thank you for your appreciating comment my best friend... best of luck of your good work. i miss you very much.. dear.. friend. @javybar
You are special for someone and some one special for you. We should make honourable and great ourselves . Because if we make ourselves selfish or cheater then someone special will be heart
You are very correct! Thank you for your contribution :)
A person must provide a helper to a person in case people need help
The same person must be believable in his abilities and confident in himself and he must be patient with himself as well
A very special article was well done
It was a pleasure! Thank you :)
nice to see you @javybar. You know.your thought are so so good..i like so much whenever i read your post i feel so difference.i always find some difference thought that make me so.inspire or.some are dear..for sharing..this..lovely thoughts...
I'm so thankful to know this, thank you for your kinds words. I'm glad the content is making a good impact and it is inspiring you for a couple of minutes of the day or more :)
welcome..dear @javybar...i will wait for your next post..
Hi @javybar! The sub value of love that I decided to pick is caring. There were so many that really pulled at me, but caring was the strongest. I feel that when you truly love, you have the capacity to really care and extend that love beyond yourself. Through the process of caring you can experience many of the other sub values like inner happiness. Caring brings a wonderful sense that you've connected to you inner essence. It also leads to kindness, purity, compassion, helping, etc. It probably for me leads to all the other sub values. Since I was young, I always had that overwhelming capacity to care.
I hope you and the others are doing well. I will try to follow your human values series. It is really a great subject area for all to reflect upon it! Take care!
Really very inspirational post..good thought motivation friend.. To give others brings good luck and affection in relationships, builds the worth of the Person.So, i am really happy to say that you are always at the giving end, to support and appreciate others in a very affectionate way, really impressive the way you engage with every single commentor and also sometimes visits others posts, You are inspiring me Dude..thanks to sharing for your good post.. Dear.. Friend.. @javybar
Valuable words my friend, we become better people if we practice good experiences and knowledge. Looking forward to see you often :)
Love is so complex that I will only make an approximation of what it means to me, in each person it is different and can only be understood by those who experience it. It is intangible however it provides strength, peace, tranquility and well-being. Love can do everything, it resists everything from perspective, hope and infinite. Love is considered as, feeling and is the most human and sublime value of all because for it to be cultivated the compendium of many others is needed, it is universal and must be shared and procured by all, where it will always tend to good. Love is a strong and sincere feeling, it is positive enthusiasm, it is a need of the human being, everyone must and deserves to feel love ...
such a valuable message, thank you very much :)
You just need to find relevant person according to your need!thanks for share,great post, my dear friend @javybar,Every one have something to offer!
Very true! Patience is the key :)
Wow very nice line my friend . Many well wisher is with us and they are waiting our offer.
Glad you liked the message my friend, Thank you :)
I agree with your kind thoughts friend, love ia make you strong and attached you your relation. Our value to your family or friend most important. 😊
Very well said :)
Even others will also be reluctant to hurt our feelings, if we always keep the feelings of others.
Others will always appreciate us if we keep our attitude and always respect anyone in our lives. No need to pick and choose in respect for others. Anyone should appreciate, no need to look at him who and how @javybar
You are right. I agree with you.
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. Love yourself. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
Lovely message my friend, you said it all here. Love and to be loved. :)
I strongly agree with you @javybar You always come with great thoughts nice to read your post thanks for sharing
It is a pleasure my friend, thank you for the kind words :)
happiness when we want to enjoy it wholeheartedly, do not waste the blessing that God gave to us, few who get a chance like us
very true! :)
Believe it or not! Everyone is looking at what the other can offer, whether in love relations, at work or at home. The small child is waiting for the parents to offer chocolate. The boss is waiting for your good job. The partner is waiting for your love. And even love! If you dont offer it, you are out of the relation. So what is left! Be a monk and not expect anything from anyone ;) Hey even Babies are waiting for the mother to offer fresh milk lol
But yes! once you offer things first, you get a lot in return and thats the law of universe :)
You do have a great point. Basically yes, we are all looking for something anyone has to offer. We are always in survival mode and it is in our nature. It is good to show what you have to offer in the material world, but if spiritually, we don't don't have anything to offer as human beings, then it may be harder. Thank you for your awesome contribution. I started following you :) @hanen
Great lesson sir @javybar. We should always offer our best to the best person like your example water plant very often to keep it alive and never let it die. Thanks for discussing our daily life important topic.
Any time my friend. :)
y si estaba , lastimosamente , no fue con el con quien contraje matrimonio, despes de 2 años de novios , hablamos de esto y en una ocasion me dice que no estaba seguro etc, etc, yo con mi temperamento y gran poder de decision ,le respondi , si no estas seguro ahora , no quiero que te arrepientas despues , asi que yo termine inmediatamente la relacion , ese fue primer y unico amor , luego aparecio mi esposo actual , 5 meses de noviazgo me propuso matrimonio y aqui estoy .
Bueno , puedes querer a muchas personas , pero el verdadero amor , solo , lo siente por una , imaginese , pienso asi , y sinembrago pesa mas mi conviccion y mi poder de analisis .
Como dicen soy de las pocas mujeres que no hablan mucho, y realmente es asi , hablo poco , pero cuando lo hago , es para aportar algo importante .
Hoy comente demasiado , bueno que sea hoy .
Feliz dia :)Hola @javybar, usted me hizo recordar un tema musical de los angeles negros que se titula YO SE QUE ESTAS , antes de casarme , la letra de este disco me conmovia , y de alguna manera me identificaba con ella ,
Muchas gracias por compartir su historia. Despues de dos años de estar con alguien, si no se esta seguro, pues no quiero saber los proximos 5 años, asi que tomo un decision racional en su momento. Uno decide su vida y pues no se ve que le ha ido mal para nada, pues es muy bueno. Nunca habla demasiado para mi punto de ver, sus palabras son muy valiosas. Muchas gracias :)
Tan lindo como siempre @javybar , bendiciones .
Thank you for the great words of the @javybar and you are right, my friend, everything in our world is imperfect, but if we look at carefully, we can find the best in us, and we must appreciate it, because there will be a person who will appreciate us and will next to us, on our way to the cherished goal!
All we can do is to go with the flow of the universe, expect the best and be prepare for the worst my friend, thank you very much for you contribution :)
It really true man... In our world no one is perfect. everyone has his/her weakness but with the weakness if your heart is pure in this world one person is there for you what you want from him/her. One thing you should trust in you & have faith. If you have a pure heart there will be great offers are waiting for you ☺
Faith and trust are important in this process my friend. It all begins with us first and everyone else after :)
Only one person is revolving around my thoughts while reading your words who is none other than you Javy ;)
To give others brings good luck and affection in relationships, builds the worth of the Person.
So, i am really happy to say that you are always at the giving end, to support and appreciate others in a very affectionate way, really impressive the way you engage with every single commentor and also sometimes visits others posts, You are inspiring me Dude <3
I've heard when you do something you love, you become good at it because that is who you are. It is a pleasure to serve to whoever is willing to listen and I appreciate your kind words my friend. You are a phenomenal writer as well. Keep it up! :)
I totally agree with you. If we have one who appreciate us then we should take care of it for long lasting results. We also have something to offer to anyone who deserve it.
Love is so complex that I will only have what it means to me and it will be different for everyone. It is important although it can do everything by giving strength, peace, calmness and goodness, it rejects everything from perspective, is considered as hope and infinite love, feeling and the most brilliant value of all people
very nice thanks :)
Indeed I agree. Someone will always appreciate what you offer to them. There are certain people in every one's life who truly love your and your efforts. So get rid of the poisonous people around you and concentrate on those who matter.
thank you for your contribution and teaching :)
100 % agree with you!
Every one have something to offer!
You just need to find relevant person according to your need!
I will say Love is totally blind.
Wow .. A lot of fabulous love quotes.. All of quotes are true for love...@javybar... I added another one quote about love..
very nice quote my friend : I appreciate the share
Yeah we all need to value and know our worth b4 we can appreciate people's value .. very passionate post,I like the part you said "bcus we are following this post makes us valuable to you" thanks for sharing with us
Of course you guys are valuable for me. I learn from you and we all learn from each other :) Thanks!
@javybar, That's really interesting to talking conversation seriously. I appreciate every humble persons who stay around the world. They talk everything with open mind. They have best attitude and attract most of best persons. We all not a perfect 100%. We have some weak points. We don't see our faults and can see other once faults. But if we have ability to change our bad attitude across adults advice It's most salute task. I most believe my self. Then I can go success way with some difficulties. Difficulties gives up, solve every problems. Keep going with humble and brave attitudes.
Real love is a mystery to most people. Most people never realize the true potential or value of love, nor do they learn to practice the art of love. It is usually very poorly defined. People think they are in love, but they can’t explain it. There is a great deal of confusion …show more content…
Romance is different from love, even though ideally, they should occur together. Romance is the emotional component of love. Romance adds the sparkle in your eyes. Romance adds the perfume and the colors. Romance embellishes the scenery and swells the music. Romance is the gilding of love. Romance is gold leaf. It is ornamentation. Romance sometimes becomes a means unto itself. It even becomes a cheap substitute for love at times. Some people seem to desire the trappings and embellishments of romance in place of genuine relationships.
I've always thought that people need to feel good about themselves and I see my role as offering support to them, to provide some light along the way.
That's really interesting to talking conversation seriously. I appreciate every humble persons who stay around the world. They talk everything with open mind. They have best attitude and attract most of best persons. We all not a perfect 100%. We have some weak points. We don't see our faults and can see other once faults. But if we have ability to change our bad attitude across adults advice It's most salute task. Yeah dear very perfect choice..if you happy your life with ourselves and maybe with someone too.a person good live her life if he live doing want with other person and he said doing other person why is need for the same position.obviously great word useing in your blog.absolutely super dear.. I like your thought... .its really perfect opinion of your best tropic dear ... your thought always perfect dear..i appreciate your giving always right time right thing gift for every steemians..its helped me my work improved doing in my steemit platform.. my needs your helped for my dream success in the future..i wish your best of luck and take care yourself dear... every dream being successs for your help.i want always your support..its my future dream..dear.. @javybar very well done
They talk everything with open mind. They have best attitude and attract most of best persons. We all not a perfect 100%. We have some weak points. We don't see our faults and can see other once faults. But if we have ability to change our bad attitude across adults advice It's most salute task. Yeah dear very perfect choice..if you happy your life with ourselves and maybe with someone too.a person good live her life if he live doing want with other person and he said doing other person why is need for the same position.obviously great word useing in your blog.absolutely super dear.. I like your thought... .its really perfect opinion of your best tropic dear ... your thought always perfect dear..i appreciate your giving always right time right thing gift for every steemians..its helped me my work improved doing in my steemit platform.. my needs your helped for my dream success in the future..i wish your best of luck and take care yourself dear... every dream being successs for your help.i want always your support..its my future dream..dear.. @javybar very well done
You are very right.
We should try for best because no one is perfect.
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'
very goo post or article thanks for sharing
oh what a picture very nice post...
wow interesting post @javybar
Yes always some one is offering no matter what and why but its all due to love and caring
One famous quote "Do respect and have Respect "
This is very much common a phenomenon to share love to those who deserve they will automatically love you.
Thanks for sharingTruly said sir @javybar. ... if you respect yourself others will definitely respect you, this is very simple formula to live a respectable life.
I have a friend, he always assumes he failed in everything, failed for his kelurg, failed for himself,
then a sick child, his wife brought a doctor, the doctor said his son only a mild depression, need special attention of his parents, lapse of a week later his son consulted again to the doctor, and the doctor said his son has healed, his doctor baertanya,
"why are you so quick" his son replied "I am glad my father noticed me"
then his father just realized how precious he made his son ,,
hopefully this story becomes our reflection,
best wishes always make you @ javybar
Without curry and love without life, there is no value in life.
When you're single, it can be tough to find someone you connect with deeply and that you're excited to be with. Add to that the pressure to find The One, a.k.a. the mystical one person who was made for you, and the process of finding love can feel totally daunting.
Sure, it's romantic to think about having one true soulmate, but most of us have met people who just seem to "get" us and who we have a special connection with. Sometimes this is a friend, sometimes it's a person we've had a brief encounter with on vacation, and sometimes this person is the one we decide to share our lives with. In this way, we may have a number of soulmates.
yes,I appreciate this...