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RE: Value Plan Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Bridge Proposal and Discussion

in #valueplan4 months ago

I do have some concerns (think I mentioned this long time ago) but also think it is good to have a team working on marketing. My marketing approach might be different as @guiltyparties is aware of since ages - no bad feelings - we like each other. I come from marketing and do this mainly for big corporates, but also did it for known crppto companies (not commnity driven projects).

My stand here still is:

1- We need a key person to position Hive - people buy people, not tech or so - this is a fct
2 - We should maintain / develop basics of ongoing pr - not only social media
3 - Actually should be no. 1 - we need a clear plan what we wanna achive by what? Do we want to raise brand awareness (not sure that makes sense) or go there where our target group is? So next question: Waht is our target group? Do we wanna acquire users or investors? I see many events - I am biased on events - I only go to events when I know exactly that my defined target group is there and if we have exaclty the right message / solution for the needs of these attending tsrgert groups - not sure we know about the attendee structure of all these evens
4 - Film, nice one but isolated - hoipe it works
5 - Rally Car - that is always on top of all I read but really who cares?
6 - Interesting stories / topics? I see none - we had wells in Africa - that is changing the world but we could have increases this as campaign as series with interview of drivers, supporters, people benfitting from it, local politicians - not just one off stories, we need long-termed campaigns

Hpe I do not make people angry, just my view.