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RE: Value Plan Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Bridge Proposal and Discussion

in #valueplan4 months ago (edited)

Its easy to complain but rarely will anyone put in work to provide a better alternative.

Here are three options that will actually yield results and are much simpler

  1. just send to null. Stops the bleeding

  2. buy doge. Medium risk high reward. Cause Elon (love him or hate him doesn't matter)

  3. exchange listings, even small ones.

Or we can get a shitty car that keeps breaking down wins no races (edit: always comes last) and nobody buys hive because of it.

The car was a fucking failure. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. And when fucking everyone tells you the earth is round guess what? It probably is. Stop defending it


just send to null. Stops the bleeding

No marketing. No buying Doge, no getting exchanges. All what you listed next. :)

buy doge.

VP or DHF arent for profit. Creates massive security problem.

exchange listings, even small ones.

3 that I know of are being worked on. A few US based.

3 that I know of are being worked on. A few US based.


How much we paying the person getting us listings?

Half the initiatives in the proposal are explicitly for getting us listed on exchanges and into big markets. We don't pay for exchange listings, we're shot in both legs because of that, but that's how it is. We also don't do backroom deals. This marketing is the only thing that saves us so far.

This marketing is the only thing that saves us so far.


Why don't you help instead of just talking out of your ass?

Why don't you just admit that this whole value plan and everything you have helped fund has BEEN A FUCKING HUGE FAILURE like everyone with two brain cells is pointing out? And just stop this fucking madness that takes hive price down and down instead of doubling down.

How's the amazing tipping bot btw doing? What was that? 200k of hbd thrown to the toilet?

I am sorry to say but with all that history, you are either doing backroom deals and funneling money to your pocket OR just a dumb fucking idiot that should have no say on the dhf. Take your pick.

A group of people working well to funnel money to crazy shit and their own wallets lol

Then replace me. Same question, what is stopping you, a member of the decentralized community that is supposed to promote Hive, from helping contribute to this project you're evidently interested in? You have the time, you write well, and we need volunteers.

Bot wasn't mine and I get nothing out of this except the joy of putting hours in here every day.