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RE: Value Plan Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Bridge Proposal and Discussion

in #valueplan4 months ago

Thank you for replying! I don't want to start another round of heated discussion, I just wanted to make some fun re:DMs and didn't expect you back :)

Thanks for calm(er) words and also for this image too! You totally surprised me, I got an impression you wouldn't feel like doing anything in context of that subject, especially showing anything financials.

I know, I see that, details are blacked out, I can already imagine/hear/guess/etc how someone else can point out that it's useless - but personally I take it as a good sign, instead of just slamming the door and ending the thread.

And at the same time, I don't want to ask you for showing more/etc. I agree with others that some transparency or verifiability (if that's even a word) would be great here, but someone (guiltyparties?) already said that a legal-level financial review is now being, or is soon going to be prepared, and will be made public - and that sounds fine IMHO.