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RE: Value Plan Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Bridge Proposal and Discussion

in #valueplan4 months ago

As others have said, I too think that we have spent more than enough money on initiatives that over the years have proved to be good for little more than nothing.
I think we should cut the race car, ~90% of the conferences (which really only serve to allow a few to maintain a lifestyle at the expense of the DHF) and from what is left demand 100% transparency.

Bills, for and for everything. No invoices? Then no HBD. And for those things that require a larger amount but require a confidential agreement, expose them beforehand (and in any case in a separate proposal).

The DHF and by extension valueplan should be treated a little more like a business (in search of monetary profit) and a little less (a LOT LESS) like an NGO.

Anyway, I feel that it doesn't matter, apparently this proposal will be funded anyway... It's really a discussion if the deal is signed beforehand?


Operating like a business is exactly the point. Even a DAO must have organisation and accountability and not cart blanche to operate without structure and with impunity.

The car only has one race which is already pre-paid. The rest are not even close to being planned or decided on yet. The entire first part of the post is about that.

I don't believe any conference will ever agree to put up their sponsorship decks publicly. I will absolutely ask them, but so far it's been a no. They will always refuse to disclose because they want to charge sponsors different amounts and hide which speaker paid what. We demand that we are treated the same as our competitors - Polkadot, Solana, and other long-term chains. Attending conferences in general isn't fun for anyone, it's very long hours of work and it's unpaid.