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RE: Value Plan Report: Community Well Project

in #valueplan2 years ago

bc they just downvote once they put you on a list just need to create a system to do what you want without them knowing bc they wont let ppl make more money and dont want ppl withdrawing from the hive ecosystem bc it takes value from the larger holders and gives it to you. have a experiment im worjking on as well as im going back and auditing every large player in these organizations who activly downvote all the time to see how many times they may or may not have broken there own rules and if they did it will be published with the data underlying it so ppl can verify and id expect the same treatment i got where every account gets a negative rep bc what it did was test out a crowdfunding idea voting my self a few times might have made a few dollqrs like 3-4 dollars lol that wasnt my intent obv if it was would have been thousands of dollars not 3-04 thats nothing. i bet no one has ever really forensicqlly gone though these posts from the group to see if they follo there rules or do other things that they frown upon but do themselves possibly - i do not know for sure which is why im reviewing it so this is not a fact but i hope to have facts for the community to decide whether or not certsin actaions are ok here but not ok here but well see what the history uncovers.