Should we be able to reward posts older than 7 days?

in #valuecontent7 years ago (edited)

Should we be able to reward posts older than 7 days?

Currently if you make a post on Steemit the community has 1 week to reward you for that post.

It does not matter if you spend 10 minutes creating the post or 10 hours.. you better hope that your followers log in and happen to see it as they glance at their "feed" page , and then move on.. or you can become creative enough to find ways to get others to find your posts (Ex: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube..) during that 7 day period.

How about other posts that you may have spent a lot of time, and are still being commented on and useful to people to this day?

I don't know about anyone else, but I still have posts from a year ago that people still use and comment on!

Should there be a way for the Steemit community to be able to still upvote these older posts?

If you have been here awhile then you probably remember a time when we were paid within 24 hours, and I even think there was a brief time where we were paid within 12 hours from a post, which still had a second payout after 30 days.

Technically we all get 10 100% upvotes per day, and if we find value in older posts we should be able to support them.

I am sure there is more back end stuff on the blockchain that could get cramped, but if it was a possibilty should we be able to reward older posts if they are past the 7 day period?

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Post - Vote - Earn :D

Gifs: 1,2,3


Should there be any way for the Steemit to community to be able to still upvote those older posts?

Yes, @stealthtrader

AdSense offers earnings over the life of the content.
For Steemit to be a serious player in the authour compensation game, Steemit must find a way to reward authours in perpetuity. Otherwise, Steemit will be consigned to being a glorified Slack channel or Facebook group for anarchists, blockchain enthusiasts, miners & spammers.

I think at the very least if they are going to keep the 7 day limit, the author of the post should get a sort of reverse curation reward for any comments that occur after the 7 day window. So, say, 25% of the rewards going to comments should go the original author.

I've gotta say, this makes a lot of sense.
I do quite like the idea of the reverse curation reward on old posts. It continues Steemit's tacit goals of incentivizing quality posts and good behaviour.


On the one hand, I understand the 7-day limit to begin with -- obviously, it ... encourages people to keep producing quality content and not just rest on the laurels of one or two mega-earning posts in perpetuity. Even published authors, however successful their debut, are generally expected to write more books. Taking it away might skew the system toward whales even more than it already is (not that there's anything wrong with that per se; power imbalances are inevitable, mass equals gravity.)

On the other hand, to continue with the metaphor, if a different author finds commercial success with her tenth novel, it will very often drive sales for her previously ignored previously unknown work, some of which might even be better than the one that kicked open the money gate. The long tail swings slow but (hopefully) sure. There are plenty of minnows (including myself, be I ever so humble) who are producing quality content that will, by and large, never be seen by anyone. If and when those minnows become whales with a ton of followers, all those good old posts might suddenly warrant a second read (OR a first) and suddenly deserve upvotes that they can't get because their 7-day limit passed, oh, a year ago. Of course, by then, their new posts are making them all the money they could possibly want so ... yay? If you're big enough for people to be going through your back catalog, your new stuff is probably already doing great anyway.

On the third tentacle, Steemit is not a closed system. Google gives anyone (random) access to any segment of the long tail at any time.

I guess what I'm saying is that, no matter the surrounding conditions, nothing succeeds like success.

Great points!
I woud definitely have to say my concern was let's say if someone was an instructor and they spent a lot of time doing a presentation of something, but then 100 posts later that information is lost.. But I do like what you said.

I agree, you have a valid point and I am new to steemit and I was thinking about the same this morning. If someone is spending 10 hours to write a post and if that user ends up receiving more votes after first 7 days, he just feel unlucky.

To me not rewarding posts after 7 day makes people post low quality content on the network. If steemit is looking for high quality content they must fix this.


I think we should get paid for valuable posts from the past. It provides a sense of continuity for conversations, research, and information resources. The questions, is how to accomplish that without cratering the blockchain. Need people much smarter than I to answer that one.

I would definitely favor this. There is a lot of "evergreen" content of tremendous value here that just becomes part of the decaying compost heap after 7 days, whereas, if there were opportunities for it to continue to be profitable, people would post quality things they could link to in future posts -- and continue to build value for themselves and enrich the community at the same time. This is definitely a way to increase the overall value of what's available on this platform. Good for you for bringing it up.

Awesome post, definatly agree with you, there are many old posts but with great content that would definatly deserve more. Thanks for sharing #keepsteemin :)

Yes! I agree! So you can upvote a post over 7 days old - But the owner of the post wont get paid after 7 days is that correct? I think it would beneficial to maybe get paid from the post every 7 days if it gets more upvotes.

That's a good idea!

my wife blogs and earns money for posts even a year or more old through adsense -- what happens to the ad revenue from our posts when it goes up on google?

I'm fine with people just using something like tipU. It used to be 24 hours and then 30 days, but very few posts got rewarded in that second period. I really like the 7 day reward period we have now, and I like how it encourages authors to continue building fresh, new content today not just a post every month. Like Reddit, Facebook, or Twitter, people care about what's happening right now because if they are in the know and they tell their friends, they gain social capital. What happened more than a week ago is beyond old news.

I like the current system. If your older content is still providing value to others, congratulations! You're doing exactly what you should be doing. That content drives new followers to your blog for future financial rewards.

I think this is contextual. One of the reasons YouTube is so popular is because you can learn how to do anything from it’s rich supply of content from so many authors. If they only had the potential to earn money for the first 7 days, there would be no incentive for them to post high quality, expensive videos. If you just want to see the latest meme, update from a friend, or news, the 7 day cutoff works.

And yet... you're commenting on a 4 month old post. And I'm upvoting your comment.

It goes both ways. This is more like Reddit than YouTube, so the way it is now makes sense to me. Old posts still build followers.

I think it has the potential to be much more than either, but perhaps you’re right. I think the ability to continue to collect revenue from your content and build passive streams of income is the hope for all content creators. It’s a relevant concern if we want to build a platform that is ad free and continues to build long term value with its body of content. We’ll get what we encourage, and I think the 7 day limit encourages content that is mainly only relevant within that timeframe.

That's awesome I was not aware of tipU, but will definitely check it out!

I was thinking of something, like Reddcoin but like a STEEMtip coin this sounds great tho.. thanks!

There should definitely be a second and third payouts at say 6 months and 18 months for content that has lasting value.
One of the negative effects of 1 week window for effective voting is that longer, more analytical and detailed pieces are discouraged as people don't have time to read them in that timeframe.

I think they should calculate in every 7 days, how much that post has earned

Coming in late here, so this is a good example of the issue you’ve brought up. I have been thinking the same thing. Because it’s a 7 day limit, it encourages certain types of posts and authors over others. News and blog style authors will inevitably succeed while instructional, how to, tutorial, authors will fail. This is a clear gap in the system IMO. I value posts that have long term value and relevance over temporally bound content. It effectually causes us to write sub par content because the payout can only reach so far over the life of the post.

Great point. I would have upvoted it but there was no point - which is exactly the problem.

Great points.. I used to do a lot of tutorial videos, but those will be helpful FAR past 7 days, and may not reach most people until afyer the 7 days..

Exactly, it’s limiting my desire to post solid quality content, and heightening my desire to post simply “what’s hot”especially as a nobody on steem where most my posts go off into the void to die.

Many posts on steemit talking about this.I agreed with your opinion. Cuaration rewards can end within 7 days, but authors rewards should be paid forever based on upvote readers

This post received a 2.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @stealthtrader! For more information, click here!

I agree to the idea of rewarding old posts. Maybe the implementation of that particular feature will come true, since Steem blockchain will now accept "post edition" at any time. (now, you can only edit your post in the first 7 days).

So, the "blockchain cracking" has been solved, and will be implemented in the hard fork 20.

Rewarding old posts is not yet possible. But might be, I guess.

This would be health to the platform, but first, we have to eliminate the autonomous voting-bots. (They would be voting old content, and that would be disastrous. We have to think about how those bots would affect the pool reward distribution, in case the reward to old content is allowed). Check this post here Link


If steem blockchain does not reward posts older than 7 days period, it will be like trying to get attention of other steemians within 7 days rather than the actual quality of a post.

Moreover a good literary work is tested by time, if a post has useful information, it can be useful even after 60 years of time or endless like the works of Shakespeare.