Best Way to Borrow Love This Valentines day xoxo :)


According to Google, Facebook, and my MOM, Wednesday, February 14 is Valentine's Day 2018. I decided to share how I found love each and every day by looking at it as a financial transaction. You can find love in the same way as you would take out a loan, as time runs out there are fewer options. You must act fast. Here are the steps to finding love:

7 Am

      Step #1 How's Your Bank Account looking

The first and last thing you want to happen on Valentine's Day 2018 is a failed payment or no funds. You won't be able to "PERFORM" later on tonight after this embarrassment. Take stock of how much you have sitting in your bank account.

9 AM

      Step #2 Use Friends First

It's Valentine's Day again, wasn't last years Valentine's day about a week ago? Well, it's time to swallow your pride and ask a friend, "Yo, who do you know it that is looking for some loving tonight?". There's a limit to how may single Valentine's Day Options that your friends know, you want to send in your application early.
----If this works your set, cash out and have some fun.


     Step #3 Parent Plus


You know Taylor that neighbour kid that your Mom keeps telling you is awesome and that you guy would be perfect together...; what about Linda that tax accountant that goes to your moms Shoppers Annonymous meetings and is a sucker for Chihuahuas in leggings(just like you secretly are). Beggers can't be choosers on Valentine's Day 2018. Mom's always right you know.

7PM- The Day's Running out, who's holding you?

      Step #4 Look for love in Private

Craigslist and Ebay exist. Just throwing that you there. :)


Only one option left as Michael Jackson once said

Final Option:

Who the hell cares about #valentinesday anyways. Don't let a day define you, or your lovin. Every day should be Valentine's Day.

PS: Hello let me introduce myself. This post is a trial run of Steemit and blogging in general. These are the ramblings of a stranger high on caffeine and a lack of sleep. Don't take anything too seriously, and don't take advice from a stranger.

Till next time



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