February 14 has become symbolic for love, nay lust, over the legacy of st. valentine who died many years ago.

St. valentine was a priest at Rome during the reign of Claudius who as the emperor of Rome was having difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues apparently because of his many senseless and unpopular military campaigns. He , thus , believed it was because the Roman men did not want to leave their lovers or families.
As a result, emperor Claudius II outlawed marriages and engagements in Rome. Since this draconian law contradicted the plan of God for the family, St. valentine aided the christians and secretly married couples. First this kind deed, st. valentine was apprehended and sentenced to death. He was killed on the 14th day of february about the year 270AD. In 496AD pope Gelasius set aside february 14 to honour st. valentine.
However, valentine's day has increasingly come to represent heartache, misuse and regret, truncated education career and unfulfilled life. It painfully reminds one about the unsuspecting teenage girl that lost her virginity to a married man in the neighbourhood, causal sex at every nook and cranny, date rape by so called lover boys. In true sense, there is nothing in the history or biography if st. valentine that suggested irresponsible and morally lax behaviours.
It is an unfair misrepresentation of the supposed lenged of valentine day to associate him with the consuming lust and amorous advances that prevade the society on valentine day every year. Now you have to pause, think and probe into the motive of the man or woman who says to you, "be my val". the experiences of many over the years show that many such invitations turned bitter and regrettable.
St. valentine did not die to uphold uphold casual or free for all sex, which was never outlawed in the first instance. After all, rape and casual sex are pastimes of soldiers at war times, even then. He fought for the continuity and sanctity of family life in accordance with the word of God. i.e love, knowing that christianity is founded on love according to John 3 :16. the bible tells us that God is love. What that means is that love is the nature of God.
To love, for a christian is not optional. it is a commandment, and therefore compulsory. True love is modeled after christ's which is sacrificial and not exploitative. I am not a joy killer. I want you to celebrate and enjoy love in the right way. I am sure you will be better of, if you would join me on this day to:
- Say no to that suspicious invitation and sinful overtures.
- Sit back and reflect in the greatest of all love, the love of God for you according to John 3:16.
3 Reflect on the love of your family for you and their glorious dreams for you.
you need Jesus as a sure source of strength to live a life of true love. Accept Him into your life as Lord and Saviour today. Close your eyes now and silently commit your heart and life to Jesus.
Happy valentine's day