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RE: Israel's new mandatory vaccination proposal...They actually have the temerity to call this "moderate??"

in #vaccines6 years ago

That's a pretty far stretch to go from not being covered by state health insurance to being loaded onto cattle cars - might have gone a bit far with your metaphor. It's also the removal of a tax exemption or rebate. Makes sense, if you want government to provide a health benefit you need to have your vaccinations or you lose that benefit.

Vaccine preventable diseases can burden publicly funded health care system with unnecessary illness and in the case of an outbreak could inundate local health care facilities.

You are waxing over a very small % too. Over 97% of the Israeli people are vaccinated. It's also only in the proposal phase and has nothing to do with America.

Should publicly funded health care systems bare the burden of an outbreak in communities that refuse to vaccinate?


The truth is far away from what u promote, "veritas"...hahaha
Stop your government propaganda and fade away.
People are aware and more waking up every day.
You're fired.
Biggie said..."don't be mad, UPS is hiring" :)))

So, let me ask you this... what would make you consider my opinion, which is what my comments are based on, and seemingly not in line with your mindset, to be government propaganda?