Vaccine injured?? Oh.. well.. I'm so sorry but that's just collateral damage!

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

I wrote an article yesterday about how bad the pro-vaccine trollage has been on pretty much all the Truther Talk sites. And when I say 'bad', I mean death threat bad... While that's terrible, it isn't that surprising for our 8-10 years involvement in this fight.

We opened this Steemit/dtube page in January and have kept the facebook/youtube pages open as we continue to plan a transition. While Steemit/dtube has been significantly quietier, it has been nice to live a fairly troll-free existence which is why today, I was surprised to find the following comment on Virstyne's dtube video:

The amount of claims of vaccine injuries to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program totals to 13,755 from 1988 to 2011.

"Through vaccines we have been able to cure or fight effectively against:

Pneumococcal Disease
Whooping Cough
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
The Flu

The amount of lives that we have saved through vaccinations waaaaaay overshadows possible injuries. We should fully support vaccines unless you want polio to return and kill countless people every year."

Here's the dtube video this is in response to:

Youtube version of the same video:

I came to find the same pro-vaxxer had made an almost identical comment on my article about the Pro-vaxxer death threat squad, found here:

Comment reads as follows:

"I'm going to admit, I skimmed through your post. I'm sorry about your child contracting a vaccine injury, but I believe that made your opinion on the matter subjective and biased.

When I look at the numbers, I don't understand how someone can't support vaccination.

The amount of claims of vaccine injuries to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program totals to 13,755 from 1988 to 2011.

Through vaccines we have been able to cure or fight effectively against:

Pneumococcal Disease
Whooping Cough
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
The Flu

The amount of lives that we have saved through vaccinations waaaaaay overshadows the injuries that are accidentally contracted."

So, here's the subjectively biased un-scientific autism mom response:

Thank you for your apology... I guess... I mean I'm assuming that you're saying that my son's injury is just collateral damage and that he has to take one for the team or for the "greater good" of humanity but before you start making claims like that why don't you actually do some data digging...

When I actually read the CITATIONS, I don't know how anyone can be pro-vaccine.

Vaccines don't CURE anything. At best they can reduce infection or symptoms depending on how they are made but let's go ahead and look at these one by one, shall we...

Diphtheria is an infectious bacteria, the shot is made with a toxoid which means a water-downed version of the toxic element that creates symptoms but does not prevent contraction or infection. In other words, a vaccine does not protect one from acquiring the disease or spreading it. It is not designed to do this. it is designed to theoretically prevent or reduce symptoms.

The diphtheria vaccine is made in a three part vial including tetanus and pertussis. In this primate study on pertussis, it clearly shows that the vaccine did not prevent spread of infection and the vaccinated primates though had fewer symptoms carried the disease for longer and were more contagious.

Tentanus isn't contagious and can only become virulent if interactive with a bacteria. The shot hasn't reduced prevlance

By itself and on it's own have caused multiple injuries including death. Evidence Concerning Pertussis Vaccines and Deaths Classified as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Chickenpox.. seriously? It's not even an issue on it's own but the vaccine IS. Since the vaccine has been introduced there has been a reduction in chicken pox but an increase in Shingles: Chickenpox vaccination does increase shingles cases, but mainly in young adults:

The shingles vaccine, by the way is currently being sued for causing shingles among other things:

Mumps has returned in almost 100 percent vaccinated populations. Recent Mumps Outbreaks in Vaccinated Populations: No Evidence of Immune Escape:

Two Merck scientists have sued Merck for tampering with data that states the vaccine is more effective than findings. Former Merck Scientists Sue Merck Alleging MMR Vaccine Efficacy Fraud

Rotavirus, can't say I known about this one at the top of my head so you can have that.

Pneumococcal Disease, can't say I know off the top of my head about this one either, so I'll let you have that too.

Whooping Cough:
Whooping Cough is pertussis which I already discussed as it's contained in the DPT as well as Tdap. The vaccine is highly problematic and has one of the most dubious safety records in vaccine history. It also doesn't stop the spread of infection.. Nonhuman Primate and Human Challenge Models of Pertussis:

"Despite pertussis vaccination rates in excess of 95%, pertussis rates in the United States have been rising over the last 30 years, with increasingly larger outbreaks in 2004, 2010, and 2012. The reasons for this resurgence of pertussis are not clearly understood. The recent development of a baboon model of pertussis, along with the future development of a human challenge model of pertussis, has the potential to provide a path forward for answering critical questions about pertussis pathogenesis and host responses and will likely aid in the development of next-generation pertussis vaccines."

Measles is not 'cured' by any means. It's also not problematic in the majority of people who contract it naturally and the vaccine has one of the worst issues when it comes to shedding live virus. The vaccine itself causes more cases of measles than those occur naturally...

Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures.:

Hib, I haven't looked into this one thoroughly but I do know it is coming back and has re-appeared in mostly vaccinated populations:

Rubella isn't a concern in most areas but the vaccine is made with foreign DNA and can cause insertional mutagensis.. There's too many studies on this vaccine and how dangerous it is for me to get into it.

It's also known to cause the disease itself:

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A isn't CURED at all but it's not an issue for most. In the UK for example it's only given to high risk cases like the homeless. The vaccine has had many Vaccine court pay-outs:

Hepatitis B:
Hepatitis B... an STD vaccine? Yeah.. almost no one gets this except prostitutes and drug dealers.. Or the people who are VACCINATED with it.. Emerging hepatitis B virus infection in vaccinated populations: a rising concern?:

And it's also implicit in autism... Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.:

But forget that part... that's just collateral damage... we won't worry about that.

The Flu
The Flu... lol.. really? The least effective vaccine possibly ever made? The BEST study has said it has 47 efficacy... generously.. And that doesn't even mean, they won't get sick or the flu 'efficacy' just means the titers are considered high enough to ASSUME immunity. From the horses mouth:

Polio is a complicated concern as the disease was real but did not typically cause paralysis or major concern until the introduction of pesticides. The historical data shows this very crystal clear that paralytic polio is in fact a man-made disease.

Polio Notes:

Polio is Toxic Poisoning
The Industrial Age was marked by a constant stream of injury and accident, poisoning of the human population by metals, arsenic, and a dozen toxic compounds used in new industry. Chemical poisoning, not ‘viruses’ are the major cause of illness in the modern world:


1700s to 1970s and beyond – toxic, industrial poisoning was the norm; paralysis, illness, death occurring all too regularly:

1700 Italy: Cotton dust caused a significant outbreak of respiratory complaints (byssinosis) during the pro- cessing of cotton, flax, and soft hemp.

1767 Devonshire, England: Lead-contaminated cider caused colic; later, gout was associated with this same episode.

1700s England: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons caused excess scrotal cancer in men who were exposed as chimney sweeps.

1800s New Jersey: Mercurous nitrate used in the felting process of the hatting industry led to mercurialism.

1800s Europe: Yellow phosphorus used in the manufacture of matches led to “phossy jaw.”

1828 France: Bread and wine contaminated with arsenious acid caused an estimated 40,000 cases of polyneuropathy [major nerve damage, ie, ‘polio’ or ‘multiple sclerosis’].

1846 Canada: Lead from soldered cans contaminated foodstuffs in the Franklin expedition.

1900s Staffordshire, England: Arsenic-contaminated sugar was used in beer manufacturing.

1900s United States and India: Naphthylamine used in the dye industry resulted in an increase of bladder cancers.

1910 Manchester, England: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were associated with scrotal cancer: 24 in active mulespinners (cotton textile factory workers), 5 in former mulespinners, 1 in a chimney sweep, and 22 in tar and paraffin workers. Shale oil was used to lubricate the spinning cotton spindles.

1915 to 1918 Ypres, Belgium: Chlorine, phosphorus, and mustard gases resulted in 100,000 dead. Overall, there were 1.2 million deaths from chemical warfare in World War I.

1920s to 1990s Worldwide: Asbestos exposure resulted in a marked increase in asbestos-related disease and cancer.

1928 Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland Clinic: Nitrocellulose-containing x-ray film burned. Cyanide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide were generated during pyrolysis. This resulted in 97 deaths immediately and 26 additional deaths during the next month.

1930 United States, Europe, and South Africa: Triorthocresylphosphate resulted in ginger jake paralysis, a neurotoxic disease affecting tens of people.

etc., etc. The list goes on and on…

1952 – Dr Ralph Scobey testifies before a subcommittee of Congress that “Polio” is toxicological:

The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis And Obstructions To Its Investigation
by Ralph R. Scobey, M.D. Syracuse, N.Y.
Statement prepared for the Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in Food Products, United States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
From Archive Of Pediatrics (April, 1952)

The disease that we now know as poliomyelitis was not designated as such until about the middle of the 19th Century. Prior to that, it was designated by many different names at various times and in different localities.1,2 The simple designations, paralysis, palsy and apoplexy, were some of the earliest names applied to what is now called poliomyelitis.

Paralysis, resulting from poisoning, has probably been known since the time of Hippocrates (460-437 B.C.), Boerhaave,3 Germany, (1765) stated: “We frequently find persons rendered paralytic by exposing themselves imprudently to quicksilver, dispersed into vapors by the fire, as gilders, chemists, miners, etc., and perhaps there are other poisons, which may produce the same disease, even externally applied.” In 1824, Cooke,4 England, stated: “Among the exciting causes of the partial palsies we may reckon the poison of certain mineral substances, particularly of quick silver, arsenic, and lead. The fumes of these metals or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, have often caused paralysis.”

P.S. Vaccine Injury Cases

Illness caused by Vaccine Injury (See Link Above)

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
Transverse Myelitis
Bell's Palsy
Neuromyelitis Optica
Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Optic Neuritis, Vision Loss
Parsonage Turner Syndrome
Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalomyelitis (AHLE)
Optic Neuritis
Lumbosacral Raduculoplexus Neuropathy (LSRPN)
Intussusception, Surgical Intervention
Neuritis, Myositis, Polyneuropathy
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Brachial Neuritis
Brachial Plexopathy
Headaches, visual changes
Paresthesias/Small Fiber Neuropathy
Multiple Sclerosis
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Connective Tissue Disease
Acute Demyelinating Encephalomyelitis ADEM
GBS, Axonal Polyneuropathy, Peripheral Neuropathy
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
Aplastic Anemia
Brachial Neuritis, Inflammatory Polyarthritis, Inflammatory Reactive Tissue around Rotator Cuff, Inflammatory Tendinitis
Psoriasiform Dermatitis
Miller Fisher Syndrome

Until next time...

Peace, truth & love:

#hearthiswell #vaxxed #cdcwhistleblower #vaccinesdontwork #vaccinesdestroylives
