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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

This is heartbreaking. It's also makes me very angry. I chose to not vaccinate my children, it was an easy choice for me and I had a supportive partner and community of friends around me, who didn't question my choice. I also had a great homeopath I trusted who give me information on vaccinations. It is so important for parents to be informed and not to be intimated by health professions. some of whom are drug pushers for pharmaceutical companies.
I can't imagine how Danielle feels after all this happening to her, all her children bar one. This needs to be seen on a large scale. It's shocking 1 in 3 babies having a stroke and it's normal. wow, this is such a crime against humanity. Those poor children, and yet so many continue to vaccinate. Everyone needs to take their health and their children's health in to their own hands. Be informed, ask questions and educate.
Thank you for continuing to bring this to light.


Thank-you. More and more people are starting to realize that the ongoing disaster that we have created. We need to keep informing as many people as we can, until we reach the tipping point of this information not being able to be suppressed anymore.