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RE: Is Your Career & People's Opinions MORE Important Than DOING THE RIGHT THING? Please ... if you know something, SAY IT!

in #vaccines7 years ago

In his seminal book The Organization Man, William H. White cites a study that was done in 1939 and repeated in 1946 or 47. In that study, in 1939, the majority of Americans thought doing the right thing was more important than going along with the crowd, even if it meant being ostracized. When the study was repeated in the 40s, most Americans thought it was better to go along with the crowd rather than do the right thing.

A moral crisis occurred between 1939 and 1946 that was so bad it led to the death of morality in America (and probably Canada as well). World War II? That would be the obvious choice.....Infiltration by Nazi and Communist elements during and after the war? Both demand groupthink and indoctrination.

I don't know. But no politician can "make America great again" unless good people stand up to the groupthink, career pressure, and dare to be ostracized for truth and justice.

Great post @canadian-coconut.


wow! That's a sad state of affairs.
Hopefully our generation starts raising children who can think more clearly.