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in #vaccines7 years ago

I've always wondered why the people "for" vaccines are so "for" everyone having to get them? If their arguments are true then they could be surrounded by sick, unvaccinated people and they would be safe and sound right? I mean are they that worried about being alone or what? Anyway to each his own.................


It's because they don't care about ruining the health of the public at large to 'protect' a minute percentage of sick people.

Their arguments usually start with 'what if?'. That is no way to protect the health of the populace.

I am sure that is on the video somewhere, but well, if you have NEVER heard the basic reasons:

A) Because they care about the health of other

B) Because there are people aho cannot be vaccinated for whatever reason, always or temporary. You are protecting them if there isn't a horde of sick people around.

Those reasons aren't good enough for me to make something "mandatory" upon everyone. Some people know how the body works and how to take care of it not needing vaccines in the first place do to optimal working immune system within their body. Most destroy their immune systems over time through products and diet. I can't see trusting some company who produces a product over seas most likely that skips the bodies natural order of filtering by injecting said product directly into ones blood system. Hell, you can't even sue em'. I'm not arguing with you and the comment isn't directed towards you just ranting off the top of my head. I do appreciate your comment and answer though. I suggest everyone with netfix watch "Vaxxed". I digress...............


The pro-mandatory vaccination believers are living in a past that never existed. They believe that vaccines saved humanity without actually doing the research to confirm or disprove their beliefs. They repeatedly recycle the same arguments without checking their facts.

Safer, cheaper, and more effective technologies have long since rendered whatever benefit vaccines might have ever provided obsolete. Vaccines are too dangerous, too expensive, and have been proven time and again to be less effective than natural immunity.