It started out as one of my research, but I found that the way I started is already walked by other people awake to the problem.
Everything started with a question in my head ... if autism is related to vaccines, if I find a large community that does not use modern medicine, it will definitely be a clear trend if the two things are related or not.
Of course, for every person with a common culture, it will not be hard to remember that the Amish are just such a society that has rejected almost everything from the modern world, living as much as possible.
The plan for my research was already clear. To find enough reliable information on the Internet to serve as a starting point on which to draw my conclusion on whether vaccines and autism are linked.
So ... I started looking ... and for my pleasant surprise, I realized that someone had already come this way. And it's much better than I do - not surfing the internet but going to their place in Lancaster County, the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country.
According to official statistics, 1 in every 166 newborn children in the United States has developed a form of a complex genetic disorder such as autism. According to this data, more than 100 children with autism are expected to be in Lancaster County, but after a thorough study, there are only three sick children with autism - two of whom have been immunized...
One was adopted and immunized with all the vaccines on one day when she was 15 months old and 24 hours after vaccination began to change the child. There was no reliable data and direct evidence of the third child whether she was vaccinated or not.
The full text can be read here:
For me, the link between vaccines and autism is more than real. This conclusion was entirely made by me on the basis of everything I have read, watched and interested in. Do not intrude my thoughts on anyone but just share with you a different point of view ... mine ....
Of course, I still have a loophole in my thesis ... that there is some probability that, due to the isolation of this society, they have developed some kind of immunity against complex genetic disorders.
I remain the choice of you
Thanks for reading, you can follow me here for more interesting articles: @sir3nal
I greatly thanks the people who support me most in my short life here at SteemIT
and all others steemit members who read, like, upvote and resteem my posts every single day
Thank You !!!
Hello. Thank you for writing about vaccines as I agree with you.
That tag is reserved for the topic of government kidnapping / "Child Protection" abuses. Families need to be protected from those falsely claiming to be protecting children.Please, remove the #familyprotection tag though.
I will give this article a vote, once that tag is removed. Thanks for understanding.
You can find more info here:
ah... sorry... I didn't notice that... I will remove it shortly
If a person is dumb enough to think vaccinations are a good thing, maybe they should get vaccinated just to remove themselves from the gene pool.
At least do your research before you destroy their lives.
Why is Autism on the rise? Because Jesus loves you?
"Inoculation means introducing into the body certain products of disease through the skin of a healthy person, so giving "built-in" resistance to the disease."@herrleeb
Do Medical Doctors know the difference between cause and effect?
Cow pus eradicated small pox?We will call the pus the virus.(poison).
Cancer is the result of the cause. For example, radiation causes cancer. Chemotherapy causes cancer. Smoking causes cancer, etc. What caused the cow to have pimples on its teats is any bodies guess, but the pimples didn't cause themselves. There was a cause.
To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.
Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.Eventually you will get pimples - pus And we will call the pus a virus (poison) I'm going to collect all that pus and inject into people to try and prevent pimples ?! Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?
Think about it!
Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.
This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.
Do toxoids prevent toxins?
Poison prevent poison ?
Again, I am afraid you are replying to the wrong person.
I agree with you...
Maybe something wrong with steemit...
First of all Doctors not checking for the MTHFR Gene mutation
I will some it up for you 😉
Rockefeller Funded DRUG THUGS < Ignorant Doctors trusting LIARS > Drug Thugs that are known to make false claims about the safety and effectiveness of their drugs and vaccines > 26 doses of vaccines the first year of life > Adjuvants/ Polysorbate 80> demyelination of the nerves > Mitochondrial Dysfunction > Brain inflammation> Encephalitis > Over stimulated microglia and astrocytes constantly pouring out pro inflammatory cytokines during the immunological programming of the brain > Cytokine storm > Oh it is just a fever that is normal when neurotoxins cross the blood brain barrier just take Tylenol > Great deplete your glutathione which is necessary for the removal of heavy metals>
Throw in some glyphosate for added fuel > Next well baby visit more doses > More inflammation > More activation > More destruction > Autism
#1 cause of Autism? Ignorant
Doctors trusting liars.
Parents trusting the Doctors :(
Doctors not trusting liars... just doctors are paid to talk certain things and prescribe specific medicines
Vaccines and Autism are part of the depopulation agenda.
If you would like to know what is happening, why and how we are being killed, please read my latest article. Then you will understand.
I totally agree mate... I spent a lot of time to explain connection between vaccines, GMO and chemtrails
We have to keep spreading the word even though nobody wants to hear it.
I will follow you!
I'm here :)
GMO's fuel Autism
1 of the reasons More boys get Autism than girls because testosterone is an enhancer of mercury toxicity
Glyphosate is in vaccines most likely from the soy peptone broth
The trouble with this is that, no one even knows the actual cause.
I don't mean, they haven't found it.
I mean, they haven't even considered it a possibility yet.
That said, the connection between vaccines and autism cannot be proved.
It is statistics.
Not every child who develops autism was vaccinated.
Not ever child who was vaccinated develops autism.
However, you find a great deal of circumstantial evidence.
Now that more people are aware of the side effects of vaccines, the correlation between when the child got vaccinated and when the symptoms started are much more noted and documented.
Further, there is an evil organization that is out to poison us and keep us dumb. This same group has lead the way in programming people to believe that vaccines are safe, trustworthy, scientific and immunize people. So, you have a group that is dedicated to their task of maintaining that false front with all the money in the world. And you have an army of people programmed to parrot the propaganda.
Тhe problem comes from the fact that the media are bought at all levels ... if someone goes to do a real investigation is either crushed or mocked... not just about medicine ... the worst thing is that it applies to everything. The information that comes to people is well-guided.
"MOST" of the ones with the MTHFR gene mutation do!!
While a vaccine may give my kid autism, vaccines wiped out polio in the US. I appreciate you're research and opinion, but I'll keep vaccinating my kids.
I sincerely hope your children are alive and healthy, but the point here is whether it is worth killing a fly with a bazooka. The price to eradicate the folio is too high. To prevent 5 children from polio, we risk the life of 30 to be diagnosed with autism
Polio ? You mean chemical poisoning?
Lead arsenate
Paris green
Autism is not a condition that is acquired in the development, on the contrary said alteration arises from the gestation, only as a specialist we verify its existence in early childhood with the delay of certain expected functions. You could give your vote in my first publication