It is morally correct to mount a resistance to the opaque and unacceptably experimental process of mandatory-administered vaccination.
Just because it may be law does not in any way necessitate that it is right.
That being said, there has for a long time been an entrenching - a fortification - of the medical profession and their pharmaceutical corporate lords.
Unacceptably so.
We have long been taught to trust our well-being, our health and our lives to "licensed" individuals (and many of them are fairly so - I acknowledge health workers' hard work in their respective field) in white coats.
Individuals working in a monopolized field where the operation of non-licensed individuals is by law prevented (sorry Patch Adams), and a context where the traditions of centuries of natural medicines have seen such practices either dismissed, restricted or even outlawed - without avenues for serious research remaining open.
Yes... there is reason to be angry... Why should those in any field enshroud themselves within an aura of unreproachability, of being above question, when time and time again their practices and their results have been proven to be anything but reliable, or worthy of the level of absolute and unquestioning trust that they would claim from us as their 'right'?
Also... it is more profitable to treat a disease than to cure it... and it is more profitable to cause a disease than both combined.
From a businessman's perspective - those who curry the favor of health workers throughout the health system - this demonstrates at the least the potential existence of a conflict of interest.
And its little Susie who pays - with her health and maybe her life.
Thanks for the excellent comment. You made so many good points, and I couldn't agree more.
Truth! Yet, even in the face of a structure that [obviously] rewards evil and punishes good, you still can't convince people of the reality. (It'd be funny if it weren't so damn sad) :/