
Hard data and facts agree vaccination can be harmful in extremely rare cases. Anti-vaxxers would likely argue against the exact definition of "extremely rare". Only the uninformed defend vaccines as universally good. The scientific consensus is that the benefits for the population as a whole far outweigh the negatives for individual cases.

Vaccinating everyone protects people with weak immune systems, and vaccination has managed to eradicate certain diseases in the first world. Some of these diseases are making a comeback due to increasing immigration from unvaccinated populations as well as homegrown anti-vaxxers movement.

On the flipside, most vaccines come with a ~20% chance to cause local pain (and we are increasingly learning pain in the formative years can have long-term consequences), and a ~5% chance to cause a fever. Sometimes the consequences can be more dreadful: the MMR vaccine is estimated to have a one in a million chance of causing body encephalitis, which has a very high death rate.

It's a cold calculation. Vaccination kills less people than no vaccination, but it does kill people who might live otherwise. This makes sense both at the population scale and even as a parent, but statistics mean nothing on the individual level when your kid is the unlucky one.

Being a vaccine damaged individual, I can say that any attempt to force vaccination should be met with resistance by any and all means possible, with no cost being too great. Forced medical procedures are an act of war on the individual, and a war crime under the Nuremberg code. To raze human civilization to the ground and set it's dust ablaze is not too great a price to pay for liberty.

Liberty for all, or liberty for none.

No one is forcing people to vaccinate , but people should just accept the fact that in some settings it will be asked for , since you can not put others at a risk of contracting a disease just to uphold your beliefs

Also there is the issue of thinks like herd immunity only working when a treshold % of the populations is vaccinated

Now I am certain that you don't know what you are talking about.
Go tell the people in California that there is no such thing as mandatory vaccinations. If you want anyone to take you seriously in this debate, you really should inform yourself.

Herd immunity is a farce. Measles has even recently been documented to spread among fully vaccinated populations.

No one is endangering anyone by not being vaccinated. The only people who are endangered are the people BEING vaccinated. If another person's ignorance endangers me, I will defend myself by all means possible with no consideration whatsoever of the cost to the person endangering me.

Im with you on that ,I agree with people electing whether their want their children or themselves to be vaccinated , or considering vaccines as a probable reason they were harmed and seeking compensation against them , making vaccines even safer

What i can not stand for is people claiming vacines are harmful or not benefical based on handful of cases where their use lead to harm , and ignoring the body of science and research that shows their benefit outweigh the risk and they are a tool to manage diseases spread

Im even more annoyed by the people spreading misinformation and conspiration theories regarding pharmaceutical companies , btut im no even mentioning those on my comment

Probably because you couldn't spell them.