Avoid Fluoride in everything not just toothpaste. They hide it all over.
And check this out about the shedding. This is just monstrous:
Avoid Fluoride in everything not just toothpaste. They hide it all over.
And check this out about the shedding. This is just monstrous:
What else is fluoride in?
better question is "what is it not in", since it is in almost all main commercial products in the USA. Like take 'drinks' for example.....Maybe a can of ICED TEA. You buy it thinking it is TEA. But what do you make Tea with? Water. What if you use, fluoridated water to make tea...
That goes for ALL main drinks.
It also goes for your MUNICIPAL CITY WATER.
It also goes into many foods and fast foods and, well, its everywhere.
They use it to get people to Vote for evil, and to castrate themselves, and to think that, all races are equal, and that feminism is good, and that, well, you get the picture.
Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children
Good thing I don't drink drinks. Good thing I eat from an organic garden. Good thing we distill our water.
Yeah good thing for you. Not for the other 99% of the population who doesn't give a shit.
I think about the big picture, not just myself. Stupid people are dangerous, and make it an impossibility to create a 'healthy' society.
We'll have to wait for the next cycle...This one is about done.
So you are like the key master in the Matrix saying to Neo that the cycles come and go and that Neo was not the first to try to change the world and everything.
Um keymaster, if you say so. I don't think so, but rather it looks like, you think you are Neo.
Your Ego enters the room before you do. Should work on that. It makes one support Evil, when their Darkness runs unchecked.
The Keymaster says, don't support Evil, or you are Evil.
(edit) oops just realized this is the vaccine one not voting one. oh well :)
Yes. I am Neo or Alex Jones. Fill in the blank. I am Spartacus. We are what we are and if we weren't, it probably wouldn't work as Jack Sparrow once said. And we have to support evil or what we think is evil. It may not be evil per se.