Uh...Geneva, we have a problem...More dying from MMR Vaccine than from the measles.

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)

It seems to be a truism of modern "progressive" thought that the best way to cover your trail when you screw up is to make the most demonstrable outlandish and false assertion possible and to just scream it louder and louder as "your truth" whenever challenged. This works particularly well, of course, when most governments, "established science," and the mainstream media are all cheering for you and helping you to cover your track by repeating and amplifying your lies.

This certainly is the case when it comes to the Big-Pharma proponents of mandatory vaccination and "the safety and efficacy of vaccines" whenever challenged by people "outside their club" to put up the data to prove their assertions.

(Image courtesy of foodinsight.org.)

Let's take a look, for example, at this recent such challenge to standard dogma regarding the safety and reasonableness for society of taking the Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine:


Here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"For example, during the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences. The media (Pharma-owned) generated high public anxiety. This fear mongering led to the demonization of unvaccinated children, who were perceived as the spreaders of this disease. Rebecca J. McNall, a co-author of the published report, is a CDC official in the Division of Viral Diseases who had the data proving that the measles outbreak was in part caused by the vaccine. It is evidence of the vaccine’s failure to provide immunity."

(Image courtesy of co2islife.wordpress.com.)

Oops...The World Health Organation (WHO,) strangely, (not!) has not acknowledge this in any way, made no revisions of its pronouncement about the "dangers" of people who happen to believe the real science on the issue, or done anything to warn global consumers that MMR is apparently more trouble than it is worth. Surprised?

You shouldn't be. Consider this:

"From 2013 to 2017, measles killed 2 people, but the vaccine killed 127 people. The odds of dying from the measles are 0.01 – 0.02 percent, meaning you have a greater chance of getting hit by a lightning bolt multiple times. Furthermore, if your child contracts the measles, they will be immune for life, but that cannot be said for vaccinated children.

This is why those who are doing their research are having a hard time understanding how the vaccine, and even worse, mandatory vaccination in general makes any sense at all, especially when the vaccine seems to be more dangerous than the measles itself."

(Oh yea...and mostly the same people pushing one thing also push the other...from sites.psu.edu.)

Indeed it does seem that way. NOW...the only thing really needed is FOR THE PEOPLE (the bosses of this country, remember?) to get this information, so that they can make informed choices, where/as/if necessary, to revolt against "junk science," demand that laws mandating vaccination change, and that corporations pushing them knowing (like Merck, who is still in court over this one, for example) they are pushing a false narrative-- v.v. the risk/reward ratios of their products-- be punished.

The problem FOR THE PEOPLE, of course, is that the MSM and the major social media platforms (beyond Steemit, of course) are TIED AT THE HIP to big-pharma and the politicos who depend on big-pharma donations for their campaigns. As a result, the book burning on a massive Modern scale and style has begun in full virulence and will not likely stop until either the scientists who have pushed this stuff are all dead from the protestor revolts, or the people protesting are all dead... either from yielding to the deadly vaccination regimens, or into the hands of government hoodlums criminalizing and executing them.

This truly, now, has reached the scale of a potential civil war...state against state, region against region, family against family, spouse against spouse, and most importantly --ELITE BENEFICIARIES against payees and victims.

Society, of course, should err on the side of caution when it comes to such enormous debates, but to them (the brainwashed) that means "saving humanity from the herds of unwashed"--i.e. the unvaccinated resistors. Sad.

This is the ultimate battle of the infowar. We either win, or we die.


Nicely put and thank you for the continued info! NYC just mandated vaccines for specific zip codes... Stay vigilant


Oh geesh!

We can't be far now from the "great pandemic" FF....

good read


Free speech!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks!... following and reciprocating.

Don't forget: MMR is not only a vaccine against measles. Mumps and Rubella are perhaps even more dangerous than measles.

My view regarding vaccines is simply put: I've got a vaccination scar on one of my upper arms, but not on the other. The second vaccination wasn't needed anymore because there were no more smallpox.

Yea..same here. One scar that lasted for a couple decades. Gone now...