Heavy Metal Detox - My Experience - 6 Days In

in #vaccines6 years ago

Hello Steemians!

Today I would like to tell you about the steps I am taking to remove heavy metals from my body, most notably, aluminum and mercury. These metals are very toxic and are extremely difficult to eliminate from the body.
I am sure that our first exposure to these toxic metals come in the form of a vaccination during infancy, and then we are relentlessly injected with more heavy metals and other toxins until adulthood.
Aluminum is used in countless consumer products including deodorant and pepto bismal. Do a quick google search to find out what products contain aluminum.
It is believed that heavy metals are being sprayed into the atmosphere resulting in what are known as chemtrails in an effort to manipulate the weather. This process is called cloud seeding.
It almost seems that we are deliberately being poisoned with heavy metals using every delivery method possible.
Well I am going to fight back!

In the future I plan to grow my own ingredients or source them from natural and organic suppliers but for now I am simply using vitamins and supplements.


The information contained in this document is a summary of my own experience and is not meant to be taken as expert advice. I highly recommend that you do your own research and/or speak with a professional before starting any supplementation or dietary changes.
Again, do your own research!

There are two main parts of my detox plan, detox my body, detox my brain. In this post I will describe what I am doing to detox my body. I do this using silica, but not by itself. Silica increases the rate at which our bodies secrete heavy metals via the urinary tract, but it also increases the rate at which we metabolize vitamin b1 so I am also supplementing with a b complex vitamin to avoid a b1 deficiency. The b complex vitamin will also help to metabolize protiens and carbs as well as increasing the production of red blood cells which carry oxygen and minerals to all parts of our body. I am taking the magnesium as it serves a similar purpose while helping to regulate my potassium levels. The lecithin I am using to help support my liver. Passing alot of heavy metals put extra strain on the liver, kidneys, and digestive system. I am on day 6 and I am feeling the symptons of this already. My nose is getting runny, I am having headaches, generally rundown and crappy. This is to be expected with the amount of aluminum and mercury and other garbage that is being force fed to us, but it is not necessary to suffer through if it gets bad I will reduce my silica intake. It is important to find extra support for my liver and kidneys and stomach. I am missing a few pieces of the puzzle but I have been eating coconut oil when my tummy is feeling crappy and that has worked wonders. I dont know how long it will take but I know it will pass. The symptoms are very mild and overall I am feeling better than I have in a long time.

This is my first time detoxing from aluminum so please contribute your experience or knowledge.



Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is the best and safest way to detox from aluminum.
We always order it in bulk and have it handy to mix in with some water. It is very high in silica, and offers other benefits such as killing worms and some parasites.
Read this article, especially the part at the bottom entitled "A Dirt Cheap Solution"


Wow, thank for this info!! Im going to order some Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth! Never heard of it. I just read and watched 3 different videos about it. Im going to get some for my mom for Mother's Day too! Hopefully she won't be offended by me giving her some dirt though. Haha

Awesome thank you!

Thanks for sharing your experience so far as I find it very informational!

This is wonderful experience